June 29th

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Today's the day before the fundraiser, and the four of us are currently huddled around on our lounge room floor as we think of important points to write in my small speech. 

"You need to add how we became your family, especially how you got this adorable little brother!" Pat chimes in, adding his two cents worth.

"Perhaps thank Chris for the job opportunity he gave you and I." Remy adds.

"Don't forget about the new relations." Eddy chuckles as he wiggles his brows my way.

"You're gross." I laugh at him, the childish behaviour always funny to see on the large man.

We keep bouncing ideas off of each other, trying to make the speech as good as we can for tomorrow. I knew I wanted their help with the speech since they're so important to me now, also having lived here longer. All of us with our own history in life, and salvation in this place.

"Alright, alright. Here's what I have so far, okay?" I ask, anxious about speaking in front of people. 

"Go ahead." Pat smiles at me encouragingly. 

"Hello and thank you for attending this amazing fundraiser. 

My name is Aria Smith, and I currently live at The Melbourne Shelter.

Before moving into the shelter, I was on the streets for a total of ten years.
I came from a family that was both mentally and physically abusive, running away as soon as I was old enough.

I spent countless days visiting the shelter in hopes I would be given the great opportunity to get my life in order, and on the many days I wasn't successful I was still offered small items that made living that little bit better.

On a pretty low day where I hadn't eaten, had earned little money, and I was cold I wanted to give up trying. I went to the shelter one more time before I gave up completely, but before I got there I saw a boy being threaten. Stupidly deciding to help him, I ended up getting very badly beaten but I also stopped any harm from coming to him which was all I wanted.

The next thing I know, I'm being carried into the shelter by a large man. The ladies instantly sort after medical assistance, and informed me that my luck had arrived due to a bed becoming free.

Over the month that I have been there I have found an employer that has helped me join the work force, gotten healthy with the aid of the shelters provided food and doctors, and given me counselling to help me come to terms with the events of my life. 

I also got moved into a room that housed three other people, and they helped me on a daily basis to adjust to my new living circumstances. They quickly went from being room mates to becoming friends. 

Now, one month after moving into the Melbourne Shelter; I have a full time job with an amazing employer, I'm completing my Certificate III in business, and I have friends that are more like my family now. I couldn't ask for a single things more from the shelter, as they provide all I needed and more to help me get on my feet."

Nerves still soaring high through my veins, as I look up from my notepad. 

"How's that so far?" I ask nervously, if I'm struggling with my friends how will I survive tomorrow.

"That's great!" Eddy smiles.

"Definitely! I can't believe it's only been a month since you got here." Remy pipes in.

"I almost forgot about that night, I still can't believe  you jumped in to save me like that. Knowing you now though, I shouldn't be that shocked. People are going to be amazed by you!" Pat smiles at me, pride shining through his features.

"Awww, thanks you guys!" I smile at them all, warmth from their love and support just boosting my confidence. "Okay, now we need to work out what more we need to add to it."

The rest of the night is spent proofing the speech I need to say in front of the entire fundraiser. All of us agreeing to turn in for the night, since tomorrow we'll be up late and our brains feel fried from our little writing session.

Remy staying up a little later to help me proof read the paper, helping add a few things here and there. 

Kissing him goodnight, I just want to keep kissing him and being close to him. 

This homeless place has certainly given me so much.

Short chapter, I know. but after writing this for 29 day I'm finally losing story ideas. lol.

Last chapter tomorrow. 

But don't worry, I have a few Bonus chapters I want to make at some point. 

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now