June 8th

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I have never really felt that joy people talk about because it was the weekend, but today I am most certainly feeling it!

We had lunch with Eddy and Pat today at the clinic, finally being able to introduce them to Chris. as well as show them around. Pat didn't want to leave the animals by the time they had to go, which I understand completely. It's hard to part ways with them no matter how short their stay is. Eddy managed to pry him away though, much to Chris' amusement. 

Now walking back into our room, I see a still perky Pat studying his school books and Eddy in his work clothes. 

"Hey, go get changed into some going out clothes. You are Remy are coming with me to work." Eddy orders while putting his socks on.

"What?! Why on earth would I finish work, just go to with you to yours?" I ask, totally baffled.

"Because you two just finished your first week of working, and your boss and workplace are fantastic! You're going to celebrate like normal people!" He grins at me, looking kind of mischievous. 

"Did someone say celebrate? I'm up for it." Remy says from behind me, making me jump slightly.

"Yeah, you and Aria are coming with me to work. Celebrate good fortune and all that." Eddy smiles at us again.

"What about Pat?" I ask, feeling bad he'd be left alone.

"I could actually use to alone time, get heap of work done and chill more this weekend." He says barely looking up from his text book.

"Come on, Aria! We worked hard, let's just have a few drinks and a enjoy music." Remy tries to bargain with me. 

He's lucky he's cute.

"Fine! You guys win! I'll go change into something else, give me five minutes." I tell them before closing the door behind me.

Pulling out the only thing I own even close to club worthy, I strip out of my clothes and slide the strapless white to black shaded dress. Fixing my hair and makeup quickly, I walk out holding my high heels in hand. 

The boys are all waiting for me when I walk out of the bedroom, seemingly deep in conversation until the door shuts behind me. I go sit beside Pat on the couch as I pull my black heels on. 

"Wow, you look great!" He beams at me. The compliment making me feel slightly less self conscious about my appearance. 

"You really think so?" I ask sounding more timid than I meant to.

"Yeah, I really do." He smiles at me before opening his arms up to me.

Not turning down the chance to hug the young man that made me feel better, I lean forwards and wrap my arms around him. I can feel him tense slightly before relaxing into my hold, making me sad someone has taught him to fear touch.

"Okay, well why don't we all go eat dinner before doing our own thing tonight?" Pat says after a moment.

"Sounds good." Remy mumbles, barely looking at me.

Maybe I only appeal to younger people now, am I showing too much skin for my age?

After the four of us enjoy a nice dinner together in the dining room, we thank the ladies who cook before bidding good night to Pat.

Walking with Eddy to the club a few blocks away from the shelter, we get let in straight away to the loud building. 

As soon as we step foot into the pulsing place, Eddy explains where everything is and where security is if they're needed. Bidding us goodnight, he goes behind the bar to start his shift. It still surprises me he doesn't work security but getting to know him shows he may just not be up for the type of work. 

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now