June 14th

361 23 1

Really short chapter this time, sorry!

When I haven't been working, I've been thinking. As well as drinking tea or sucking on Soothers, this sore throat really bringing me down.

Should I give Remy a chance and see where things go between us?

He did say that he just wants to get to know me. I've made peace with my life for the most part, if we're going to do this then I need to be willing to open up.

He's been really good since yesterday, still his happy friendly self but with less lingering involved.

I spoke to Pat a bit in bed last night, like we do most nights. He told me he's seen the light shine back into Remy's eyes since we had started getting closer. To not let fear scare me away from the joys life had to offer.

But where do I draw the line in my life? I'm so used to just looking after myself that the idea of adding someone into the mix scares me, though I guess those three men have already wiggled their way into my heart.

But where would I even fit time for just Remy and I into my life?

I have work five days a week, and TAFE work as much as my brain will allow me. The only time I see the boys is when I'm too burnt out or in bed half asleep.

What if things start to go well between us?

Oh goodness.

He said he wasn't asking me to be his girlfriend, but if things are going well won't that happen eventually? That's what people do when they're attracted to someone and they get to know each other though.

When I finish work for the day, I tell Remy I'm going for a walk before heading home. He seems reluctant to agree, almost like he's worried I'm not going to come back.

I'd never just leave the shelter. I waited longer than I can even remember for the chance to stay there.

Without meaning to, I end up at the bridge I used to sleep under. It feels like longer than two weeks since I stopped calling this concrete structure home.

The lonely life I was surviving through day to day, hoping to eat more than be social with people.

Now I'm in a bed nightly, three meals per day, working in a place I like, and making friends.

It sounds silly but even at 28, I've never had a boyfriend before too. No, I'm not a virgin, but I didn't date.

This is all making my already aching head pulse.

I think I need to just have an early  night and give my brain a break from these thoughts. After a full day of thinking about pros and cons, and my own wants I call it quits.

Walking back to the shelter, I have a quick dinner before making my way up to our place.

Stripping off to have a warm shower, I feel the stress and worry wash off me.

Putting my pajamas on, I slide into bed with a Soother in my cheek. Not talking with anyone tonight feels wierd but this cold and my thoughts have drained me.

Sleep taking over so quickly I barely remember my head hitting the pillow.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now