June 6th

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After a day of what I'm learning is going to become to my routine in life, I start to walk home alone for the first time in a week. Chris needed Remy to stay behind and help him with a very distressed cat before they closed, so I'm actually getting time to myself. 

Our day started a lot like yesterday's did. Wake up, struggle to get out of bed and dress, have breakfast and go to work. There I schedule appointments, sooth worrying pet owners and do the filing and payments for service. Chris had shown me how to use all the essentials on his system, so I'm quite confident now with handling the money side of it all.

It feels incredible to be trusted by somebody with something like their money. Not once has Chris every made me feel like he doesn't trust me completely.

I walk into the lounge room, making my way over to the computers along the back wall. I see Pat already there working on his school assignments, completely engrossed in what ever it is he's up to now. 

I have an email conference with the department head of the local TAFE, so I can enrol online for my course that boss wants me to take. Organising to do this so that I can start doing all of the work. We simply need to discuss if I got approved as well as working out if I have the time to do the class work, along with working at the vet clinic.

[To Aria,

Thank you for taking the time to enrol with our TAFE. 
We understand the circumstances in which you are currently finding your self in, due to such events we have taken the time to push your enrolment through for you. 

Your starting date is today, the 6th of June 2018. Please note that I have attached of dates that online tests must be completed, I have organised for them to be in the evening to allow for work. Along with a guide as to what order everything is best completed it. 

Welcome to your online course, 
Good luck.]

The email leaves me stunned for a moment, blown away that this person has put in what I'm sure is a good deal of effort just so I can start it as soon as possible. I check the attachments that she said will outline information and time tables for my work, printing them all twice just in case. 

"Hey, how'd the email convo go?" Pat pipes in as I'm reading through the printed pages. 

"Good, I got accepted! I start as of right now, though I'll have to go by the TAFE tomorrow after work to get my books." I smile brightly at the teen who helped organise my enrolment last night.


Thank you very much for the help and haste in getting me enrolled into this certificate. 

I will inform my employer first thing in the morning, I'm sure it will be greatly appreciated.

It is all greatly appreciated.


Turning back to Pat to give him my full attention I see him beaming at me before pointing behind me. Turning in the swivel chair, I see Eddy standing behind me holding a stack of books in his hands. Confusion takes over my features until he holds out the pile of book towards me, where understanding finally makes it way into my tired brain. 

"Oh my goodness!" I jump up, walking towards the giant. "When?... How? What?" I stutter through, trying to find the words that I want.

"We thought you might not have much time during TAFE hours to collect the books, so we got them for you." He kindly smiles at me.

My heart warms at how kind they're all being to me, making me feel so welcome that it almost gets over whelming at times. Placing the books down on the desk I was sitting at, I jump up and wrap my arms around the big guys neck. Eddy's arms quickly catch me before I drag him down to my level, holding my inches off the ground.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now