June 20th

347 30 1

First things first, YAY 100+ reads!

Remy's POV

Ugh, my back is killing me. 

Why the hell am I sitting up?

Opening my eyes to see I'm still in the lounge room, I can't help but feel utterly confused as to why I'm here. Looking around to see the sun is starting to rise, I don't wallow too much since I normally get up early anyway. Maybe I'll go have a nice long shower before work to sooth my back, and legs actually.

Looking down makes me cease all movements instantly, shocked would be an understatement. Aria is fast asleep on the couch, her head resting over my thighs as she faces my, umm stomach. Seeing her sleeping so peacefully is like seeing a whole new side to her, not that I don't like the other sides to her. 

Her uniquely beautiful features are smoothed as her face stays in a state of bliss. Her naturally  orange hair flowing over my legs, as her perfectly shaped pink lips only slightly parted as she slumbers. Her eyes are by far my favourite feature on her face, the electric blue shines so brightly that you can't avoid being hypnotised by them. Of course you can't go passed her lightly dusted freckles that cover her nose and cheeks.

I'm falling so quickly for this woman, and it honestly scares the hell out of me. Pat and Eddy can see it a mile away, but I don't want to scare her away. After all these years, I am finally able to go for things that I want, and I want her mind body and soul. 

All I can hope is that she wants me too eventually, though I don't have high expectations. This is the longest things seem to be going right for me, and now my brother won't talk to me. I hate that I lied to him all these years, but seeing how successful and happy he is, I wouldn't change a thing.

Aria moving slightly pulls me from my thoughts, looking down to see her waking up slowly with confusion plastered on her face. Turning her eyes up to me, she freezes instantly as she assesses my face.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you." She says quietly, voice still a bit croaky from sleep.

"It's okay. I don't even remember falling asleep either." I smile down at her. 

I get lost in those ocean blue eyes that suck me in any time I gaze into them for more than a moment. Slowly lifting my hand to her face, I can't resist the temptation to touch her smooth creamy skin. Surprisingly she doesn't pull away from my tough like I thought she would, if anything she is leaning into it. 

"What are you doing to me?" She sighs after a few moments.

"What do you mean?" I ask, quickly halting my movements.

"You're drawing me in, faster than I ever thought possible. But there is just something about you Remy, that I just can't help but want." She says with confusion evident in her voice.

"I know how you feel, but I really don't want to fight it either. I just want to be able to try..." I breath out, leaning slightly closer to her. 

"I'd like to give it a try, I think." She smiles nervously up at me.

I want so much more with this incredible woman. 

She's someone who takes the time to buy people their favourite foods, or spends hours up with her friends to make sure they're okay. I'll never forget the day she dragged me around the streets for hours on end, helping us to find the place we're work at together. Even Chris has seen how great she is, learning her job as quickly as she can while dealing with customers. 

"Are you sure?" I whisper to her.

As she looks over my face, her head nods 'yes' after a moment. 

Leaning forward slowly, I watch for any signs that she doesn't want this. Her smooth, pink lips drawing me in. As I get closer I notice her eyes watching my own lips, just as she pokes her tongue out to lightly wet hers. 

I really hope no one wakes up right about now!

My nose gently skims over hers a couple of times, restraint really being tested this cold morning. Before I can second guess if this is a good idea after all, Aria tilts her head upwards to connect our lips. 

It takes a moment for me to realise what's going on, but when I finally snap out of it I press my lips firmly onto hers. This is by far better than anything I had expected, her lips are so soft and gentle as they lock with my own. Tilting her head on an angle that makes our kiss easier on both our necks, I struggle not to get lost in the moment of it all. Every movement between us reminds me that this isn't a dream. 

Though our kiss only lasted a minute or two, I could have kept doing that with her for the rest of my life. Pulling away slowly, I stay close to her as our breathing slows back to its normal speed.

"Do you still want to give it a try?" I whisper, wanting so badly to kiss her again, and again.

"Yeah, I'm still sure Remy." She smiles at me before reconnecting our lips in a confidant kiss. 

What is this woman doing to me?

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