June 5th

648 38 0

^^ Remy ^^

Today Remy and I start our first day of work at the vet clinic a few blocks away. I barely slept last night, scared out of my mind that i'll screw this up and get fired. I really want to do a good job, Pat even spent hours with me last night showing me anything he could on the computer. I hope that I remember enough to be of use.

It'd be pretty bad if I got fired on my first day...

"Come on, Aria! We have to go have breakfast before work." Remy yells through my bed room door.

"Yeah. Just give me a sec." I stutter out. 

I feel like I do that a lot lately, I used to be able to pretend I had confidence but now I stumble over myself more often than not. 

Giving myself a once over, happy with my outfit that consisted of blue skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I tie my hair up into a high pony tail, checking over myself for the hundredth time. 

"Aria. You good?" Remy says from next to me, making me jump sky high.

"Shit! When did you come in!?" I breath out, holding a hand to my heart to try and keep it in my chest.

"About a minute ago, when you weren't responding anymore. Stop over thinking, you can do this. The guy seemed pretty nice and willing to give us a try, so just do your best and learn from any mistakes." He says, before he holds my hand and drags me away from the mirror. 

We see Pat already at a dining table, Eddy's still in bed due to a late shift. He seems engrossed in the book he's ready, barely noticing that we've slipped onto the table next to him. Remy and I share a look, deciding to leave the boy to his studies as we eat our breakfast.

"Hey, we better head off. We have to get there before 9:00 remember." Remy reminds after we finish breakfast. My portion sizes are slowly getting bigger, but honestly are still pretty small compared to most people here.

"Oh, shit!" Pat jumps at Remy's statement. "Oh bugger, sorry I didn't even notice you guys. That's just awful." He says sadly.

"That's alright darling. Keep studying, we're going to work. Thank you again for helping me last night, I hope you didn't put off your own studies though." I comfort before guilt sets in.

"Nah, I was doing it while you were learning your thing." He smiles up at out now standing forms.

"Okay, well have a good day. See you after our shift is over." I say with a small wave, before Remy and I walk towards our new work place together.

Walking silently side by side, I try my best to keep myself calm. I've worked before, even if it was ten years ago. I loved working at the clothing store in my local shopping complex, it kept me away from home longer. I rarely got to keep my money since my parents took every cent they could as payment towards living with them, despite my pleas to let me save it so I could move.

The thought of those two horrible people still sends shivers down my spine, I haven't laid eyes on them since the day I run away. I wonder if they ever looked for me, if they still have the house after they didn't have my money to add to it. Did they feel bad for the horrid way they treated me for years? Did my school mates feel bad? Even after years on the street, I never became so bitter that I felt the need to treat another person badly. Yet other's seem to be able to it without batting an eye.

"We're here." Remy's voice breaks into my dark thoughts. "You sure you're up for this?"

Remembering the burning need to do this well and finally be in charge of my own life, I take in a deep breath to sooth my nerves before looking Remy in the eye.

"Never been more ready for something in my life." I say with conviction, before pushing the doors open and starting my first day as a receptionist. 

*** 8 hours later ***

"Oh my goodness, I'm tired!" I say with a smile taking over my face. 

Our first day was just finished and as exhausted as I am from not having worked a full day before, I feel alive and weightless. It's an amazing feeling that I've never felt before, despite getting a few things wrong. They were only minor and Chris was more than happy to explain what needed to be done, walking me through each step. 

I walk with a skip in my step next to an equally tired Remy back to the shelter. He didn't frolic like I did, but he had a certain light in his eyes that showed how happy he really was to be working where he was. 

As we pass through the front door of the shelter, we're greeted by everyone with big smiles on their face. 

"So, how was it?" Rachel asked first, breaking the invisible barrier that was keeping them quiet. 

Suddenly we're flooded with questions about our first day at work.  

"What did you do?"

"Were there any cute kittens?"

"Is Chris cute?"

I couldn't help but laugh as we got bombarded with everyone's queries. Remy and I shared bright smile before we happily answered the people who have quickly becomes my good friends. It's hard to think a week ago I was freezing outside and my biggest worry was eating daily and staying warm enough not to get frost bite.  Now I have a bed, room mates that are quickly growing on me, food three times a day and now an income. 

After a good half an hour of talking and catching up, the four of us go to the dining room for dinner before we head back up to our room to relax on the couch. Putting on Rat Race, we all relax and let the day drift away. 

"Did you hear whats his face from down the hall is leaving tomorrow?" Pat suddenly informs us half way through the movie. 

"How come?" Remy asks, seeming to know who ever Pat was talking about.

"His family are taking him in, apparently he was having group counselling with them and they wanted to do more for him. He goes to live with is sister tomorrow."

"Bloody hell, well good on him then." Eddy pipes in.

"Would you go back with family if you could?" Remy says after a few more minutes of silence while watching the movie.

We all stay quiet as we think the question over, occasionally glancing at each other.

"I would. I miss my parents but I don't even know if they're still alive. But it'll never happen regardless." Eddy answers before looking at the rest of us.

"I don't have any to go to, so my answer is pretty clear." Pat says with a sad smile on his face. I hold his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze so he at least know he isn't alone.

"Well I'm really not sure. I got kicked out, I'm not sure I'd ever want to be welcomed back." Remy puts in but looks totally fine with it.

They all look at me after a moment of silence, clearly awaiting my answer. 

"What about you Ari?" Pat gently prods.

"I wouldn't go back, even if I was paid to." I simply say before putting my attention back on the movie that seems to be ending soon.

I can feel their stares on my after brief dismissal of the topic, but I can't bring myself to care right now. I couldn't think of anything worse then going to back to that shit hole my parents called a house. 

A squeeze of my hand breaks my rapid thoughts, looking to see Pat watching the movie with my hand in his. I can't help the warm feeling that takes over at the thought that he understands, at least of some level. 

We spend the rest of the night talking about what's going on in all of our lives, from work to school and even Eddy meeting someone at work. 

Eddy leaves for work at some point, while Pat falls asleep with his head on my lap at some point. Remy and I end up watching Brooklyn Nine Nine together while I comb Pat's hair through my fingers. 

"You know you can talk with us about anything, right?" Remy tells me after a few episodes of the funny show.

"Look I know that but I just would rather not thinking of things that aren't important anymore. We all ended up here one way or another, dwelling on the how isn't going to change it. So why think of the what ifs?" I try to explain. 

"I get it but just don't push people away at the same time, okay? You might not see it yet, but we're like a family here. I know Eddy has a feeling of being the father figure to us all and Pat there cares more for you than he'll admit." 

"What about you?" I ask curiously.

"You helped me get a job and I like talking like this with you. So I think you're on your way to being someone I care about."

"Well the feeling's mutual." I smile at him. 

A few more episodes later and I feel my eyes drooping. Waking Pat up as gently as I can, I walk us sluggishly back to our room before ungraciously dropping the teen boy to his bed.

The moment my head hits the pillow sleep takes over for a memory filled sleep. 


Not totally happy with this one but didn't have a lot of time today. 

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