June 17th

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Walking with Remy down the streets of the bustling city, the cool air brushing through our hair.

I've tried to get him to tell me where we're going, but he refuses. Telling me surprises are food for you. Pfft.

"So, here we are." He says, waving his arms in a presenting way.

Looking around my eyes land on the name "Melbourne Aquarium", leaving me stunned and excited.

"Oh my gosh! Are we going to the aquarium?!" I squeal, jumping on the spot in excitement.

"I'm kinda nervous to say yes." He chuckles, stepping back at the same time.

"We are! Come on. Come on. Come on!" I grab his hand, practically dragging him inside with me.

I go to line up at the ticket line when Remy holds my hand, leading me to the prepurchased line instead.

"Tickets?" The lady asks when we get to her.

Remy passes her a print out I didn't see him holding, once we're given wrist bands we enter the aquarium.

I end up spending most of the time dragging Remy by his hand to each exhibit. They were all just so amazing to see that I couldn't help my spend longer than most staring at all of it. This is the first time I've ever been to an aquarium, and it certainly didn't disappoint.

They had wall to wall glass with fish of all kinds swinging, a tunnel with sharks swinging over you, and a penguin feeding area. How incredible it is to see all of these amazing animals.

"Come on, I promised I wouldn't keep you out all day." Remy sadly pulls me away from the latest exhibit.

"But, but can't we stay here forever?" I whine.

"Not aloud to let you forget your studies, was the promise I believe you made me make." He quotes me.

"Ugh poo." I huff, walking out towards the exit.

"Come here." He drags me to tge side before we've left. "Pick something." He gestures around the gift shop.

Looking around at everything, I can't decide what I want. Looking at the penguin teddies, I go to get one until I see the price. No way am I getting one now!

"Come on, let's go home." I tell Remy.

"I don't mind." He tries to reason, but I shake my head and head out the front.

When Remy catches up with me, we talk about our favorite times and how he took somw photos to show the boys. Pat will love all of these, we'll have to go back with him and Eddy one day.

Seeing the familiar written name of the shelter, I can't help but get excited about showing the photos Remy took. Isn't it weird when we do something, we almost immediately want to reminisce on it. Relive it.

"So I take it, you liked my date then?" He smiles proudly at me as we head into thw shelter.

"Yes, in fact I di-"

"Remy...?" A man's voice cuts into our conversation as we're going through the door.

Remy seems to all but freeze as soon as he hears his name, his breathing picking up and his eyes don't blink.

Looking at the man who called Remy's name, I can't deny that he's handsome. Familiar brown hair and green eyes, but he seems more smooth with his features.

"Remy, what... what are you doing here?" The man hesitantly asks.

Remy seems to be having an inner battle on what to do, panic clear on his face.

"Rem, would you look at me?!" The person practically shouts, making me jump on the spot.

It seems to be enough to jolt him out of his shock. Slowly he turns around to face the stranger, guilt and sadness clear in his vision.

"Hey. How's it going?" He weakly tries to play off.

"Don't how's it going me, what are you doing here?" He pleads, hurt clear on his face.

"Living." Remy whispers.

"Why?" He starts to respond before I cut in.

"Perhaps he come come inside Remy? More private setting?" I offer, knowing he'll clam up soom.

The pleading look he gives me makes me feel horrible for him, I will never be in this situation.

"I'll stay by your side." I whisper, holding his hand.

"Okay, follow us." He sighs before walking inside.

I hold Remy's hand for support as we guide the man inside and up to our place. To my relief Pats asleep in our room and Eddy was out seeing friends from work.

Sitting with Remy on the couch, the man sits on the single seater near by, waiting patiently for answers.

"Aria, this is my little brother. Gabe, this is my... friend, Aria." He introduces, seeming to still need his bearings.

"It's nice to meet you, and I don't mean to seem rude, but why are we in here? I know what this place is, Rem" he pleads for answers, annoyance clearly setting in.

"I live here." Remy states, deciding to rip the bandaid off.

"Why? If you were in a jam, you could have stayed with us. You know we wouldn't have minded." Confusion and hurt clear on the brother's face.

"I wasn't in a jam. I'm getting back on my feet and I like living here." He explains.

"How long?" He sighs.

"Probably only a few more months or so, depending on savings. I got a job not that far away." Remy says, dodging the answers as best he can.

Feeling his squeeze my hand tighter as the questions roll on, I squeeze back hoping calm his nerves.

"Stop avoiding what I want to know!" He shouts. "How long have you been homeless?" He whispers after a moment.

Remt looks at his little brother with pleading eyes, the desire to keep him in the dark clear.

"Seven years." He says so quietly, I struffle to hear him.

His brother clearly does though, standing up straight away. He starts to pace the loungeroom, muttering to himself.

"Seven years?! All this fucking time Rem, you never said a thing! You gave me money and said you were doing okay." He says sadly, slumping into the chair again.

"I couldn't have you know, Gabriel! After everything that happened, I could see the happiness you had again. I needed you to keep that, I needed to make things right again. And I did!" Remy explains desperately.

"I'd have rather been out there with you, if I knew you were suffering." He says, his eyes glistening at the thought of his homeless brother.

"That's why I said nothing!" Remy shouts, standing up. "You escaped one hell, I wasn't going to let you trade it to live a different one! If you knew, you'd have stayed by my side like when we were kids, I couldn't let that happen to you!"

The room fell silent at Remy's outburst. Both men had tears in their eyes, both too shocked by it all to move.

Nudging Remy towards his brother, they both anxiously stand to walk closer. Looking at each other for a minute before embracing each other, the tears fall soon after.

Deciding to leave them be now, I head to my room to see Pat laying there awake as he stares at the roof.

"What was all that out there?" He whispers.

"Remy's brother spotted us walking in here. They're having a proper catch up now." I tell him, walking over to lay next to him until the tension leaves his body.

"Are they going to be okay?" Pat asks upon hearing that.

"I think so." I smile, enjoying the sound of his white noise machine.

Half an hour later, Pat had fallen asleep next to me. Quietly getting up, I pull his blankets over him before settling into my bed.

Dreams of penguin fill my night as I picture myself cuddling with them in bed.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now