June 18th

337 28 2

This chapter has Pats history, be warned.

Waking up next to something fluffy, I can't help but wonder if my dream of cuddling a penguin came true. Looking down to actually see one only confuses me further, until I see the Melbourne Aquarium tag on its ear.

Remy must have snuck him in here during the night. Seeing that it's only 4:30am, I decide to try going back to sleep.

I'm almost back in my bliss when I hear low whimpers. They sound so utterly frightened and vulnerable. Looking over to Pats bed, his small frame is tossing and turning with his face scrunched in pain.

"No... stop... please!" He whimpers. The desperation in his voice kills me. This isn't the first time for the teenager's nightmares either, and I doubt it'll be the last.

Walking over to his bed, I turn his lamp on to lighten the already dimly lit room. His whines and whimpers get worse, the pleading grows frantic that I can't help but try waking him from the nightmare.


"No more... Please." He whispers sadly.

"Pat! Wake up!" I try a little louder.

"Help, anyone." He sniffles, tears streaming from his closed eyes.

"Pat, it's Aria. Sweety wake up!" I say right in his ear.

I don't want to shake him if he's having a dream where he's attacked, he'd likely have a panic attack waking up.

He shoots up from his bed, his eyes frantically searching for something around the room. As soon as they land on me, his faces loses some of the terrified panic. In a heartbeat, he leaps forwards into my open arms. Holding the scared and scarred teen as close as I can to me, he breaks down into tears. Clutching my top in a white nuckle grip, shaking furiously as he sobs in my hold.

"Why won't they leave me alone?" He cries.

"I don't know sweety. But I got you, you're safe. Remember?" I hold my pinky to him, which he holds in his own.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper when his sobs slow down to hiccups.

He's silent for a few minutes, making me think he's gone to sleep or doesn't want to talk.

"They took me from my home one night. I don't really remember a lot of the start but they'd beat you any time you asked about going home. I shared a room with 9 other people, all similar ages to me." He sniffles as he talks.

While he takes a breath to calm down, I grab him a tissue off the night stand. We keep laying there on his bed, him tucked in next to me as I hold him close.

"I didn't even know if I was gay or straight when they took me. It didn't matter in the end either, they'd drug us up depending on the person we were seeing. They made up do horrible things with other people, things that the sick customer wanted." He sobs at the end.

He explains the details he can get out between tears. How he was forced to do most sexual acts at one point or another. Those who refused or tried to run were killed, no resond chances.

The saddest part was hearing him want them to kill him, how he wasn't sure if he got out would he be able to survive.

My heart breaks for the lost boy in my arms, there is little comfort I can give him. This won't be okay, it will take years to heal from. No wonder he's scared to let people touch him.

"I was there for two years before police took the people down. Most people had familes to go back to, for support while they healed. I was an orphan, so I was placed here with the owner being my temporary guardian." His breathing calms down, the harder part explained.

"He comes in when he can to check on me, or his family does. He found me by chance, but said the orphanage wouldn't do me any good. Made a deal that if I was doing what was needed, I could live here. I have to do therapy weekly, and my schooling. He wants me to have a life again." He explains, warming my heart that someone has tried to do what's best for him.

He wouldn't have survived in an orphanage. The kids alone would make he fearful, plus he needed to seek help for more than they can provide.

"You're so strong, Pat. You survived where most would crumble, always remember that sweety." I tell him, kissing the top of his head. "You're safe here and now. I'd never let anything happen while I'm with you."

"But you'll leave soon, you want out as soon as possible. And I'll be left behind again." He says, holding me tighter as if I'll leave any second.

"Sweety, I'll stay as long as you want me. You'll be 18 in a few months, you could move out of here with me." I order honestly, I'd love it if he came with me.

"You'd want me to live with you? Even after you don't have to anymore." He says in a small whisper.

"Pat you're my family now, wherher you like it or not. I'll never leave you, unless you want me to. I can be like a big sister or something." I smile down at him.

He holds his pinky up for me to wrap mine with, which I do without hesitation.

"I'd really like it if you were my sister. Thank you." He sniffles, snuggling into me with our fingers still linked.

"Then that's what we are, sweety." I whisper to him, my other hand lightly playing with his hand.

"Do you think I'll ever be able to have a relationship?" He asks after we've been in silence for ten minutes.

"I think you could with the right person." I shuffle so I'm on my side facing him. "Pat, you need to know that what you experienced isn't how being imtimate should feel. You'd need to tell the next person the shortest version of what happened, so they understand the anxiety and fear you might have. So they can show you how it's meant to feel." I give him a small smile as I see his cheeks tint.

"What if there's never someone like that?" He asks sadly, a single tear rolls down his cheek.

"There will be, and if there isn't you'll always have me there. But my gut tells me there's someone out there for you, I just know it." I reassure him.

"Thank you, Ari. For everything. Goodnight." He whispers, pinkies still linked together.

We both drift back off to sleep for a couple hours, a new little family made tonight.

One thing I know for sure, is I'll always be there to look out for this boy.

No matter what.

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now