June 11th

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I officially love public holidays!

Today I actually slept without Pat waking me up early, or a hang over. It was the best feeling ever, waking up when your body decides you're fully rested.

After breakfast I went to the computers, deciding to get as much TAFE work done as I can. The joy of doing this course online, is that I can work at my own pace. So I'm doing it any time I am free to.

Besides stopping for a lunch break, I have been working on this since 9:30. It all seems rather basic at the moment, but I suspect that it's going to get harder as I progress.

"Hey. You sure going on this?" Remy pops his head in front of my face, making me jump in surprise.

"Shit! You bloody wanker!" I practically shout in fright.

Hearing him chuckle, I can't help but look at him and admire the carefree look on his face. He seems to relax more now that he's working, and his smile makes him look that much younger.

"What do you want? I'm busy." I huff when his laughter dies down.

"I, umm, I wanted to ask if you'd like to go out with me?" He fumbles over his words. "I mean, as friends or uhh whatever." He mumbles.

"Oh!" Caught of guard, I look at Remy to see he's almost nervous. "Well, I'd love to but I really need to keep going with this." I explain, pointing to the computer.

"You've been on here all day, come on!  I want to take you somewhere, please Ari?" He pouts at me.

Looking at the pleading look with a hint of nervousness on his face, I can't help but agree to his request.

"Alright. Where are we going?" I smile at him, before shutting down the computer.

"Really? Sweet. Oh, it's a surprise." He beams before walking with me back to our place. "We'll leave in half an hour."

Sighing at his over enthusiastic bounce he seems to have in his step, I walk into our room to see a shirtless Pat. Momentarily caught of guard, I can't help but stare at his scarred body.

Whatever this boy went through, was surely more than anyone should have to.

Closing the door to announce my presence, he jumps before spinning around to show more scars littering his body.

"Fuck!" He says before quickly grabbing the first shirt he sees.

Walking over to him as he rushes to put the t-shirt on, I gently place my hands on his to holt his movement. He freezes instantly, allowing me to untangle the shirt before helping him put it on.

When I see that he won't meet my eyes, I tilt his face upwards to see a trembling lip.

"Remember our pinky promise? When your ready, I'm here. But you have nothing to be embarrassed about, or ashamed of." I whisper, brushing the hair from his eyes.

Suddenly he's got his arms wrapped around my waste, holding so tight it almost hurts. Hugging him back, I soothe him as his silent tears dampen my shirt.

"You're okay, sweety. You're safe." I promise, rubbing his back gently.

"No one but doctors have ever seen them before." He croaks out, voice thick with emotion. "I hate them, when I'm eighteen I'm getting them covered."

"I can't wait to see what you get done." I smile at him, pulling him back slightly. "You're not the only one with scars from your past, so don't be embarrassed." I smile at him before walking to my drawers, still needing to change clothes.

"Yeah but yours at least aren't all over your body." He huffs, seeming more like his self slowly.

Deciding if I can't show Pat, I can't show anyone, I pull my shirt over my head. Standing in my trackie pants and bra, I turn to face the down teenagers.

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