June 12th

422 28 1

Sorry for not posting yesterday.

Waking up for work this morning, I couldn't ignore the sore feeling in my throat. Hoping that I can just keep whatever this is at bay, I get up to enjoy a warm steamy shower.

I stay in as long as I can, hoping I'm not getting sick after just finding a job.

I can't afford to get sick!

Trudging back into the bedroom, I layer up for the cold day ahead of me. Choosing to wear a singlet with a long sleeve shirt on top, jeans, thick socks, and my warmest jacket. I finish it off with a beanie and scarf.

Walking down to the dining area, I make myself some porridge with honey, and a nice cup of tea. Slouching down into the seat next to Remy, I quiety eat my breakfast enjoying the soothing feeling my tea has on my tender throat.

One thing I love about Remy is we really don't feel the need to fill the silence with chit chat. At work we all spend a lot of the day within talking distance, given the clinic is only small. So our days are filled with the three of us talking, joking, and getting to know one another.

"Are you alright?" His voice breaks through to my wondering mind.

"Yeah." I say, my throat feeling like a there's pressure wrapped around it.

"You sure? You seem a bit off today." He asks with worry over his face.

"Yeah. I'm okay, really." I smile at him, loving the concern he has.

He doesn't look convinced but thankfully drops it. We start our walk to work for the day, tightening the scarf around myself when I feel the icey wind.

"Hey, Chris said we get paid Tuesdays. Let's go to the 7/11 on the corner and check." Remy practically bounces on the spot with excitement.

I can't help but feel the same excitement at the idea of getting paid. I love working with Chris and Remy at the clinic, the animals make it that much better even if I'm on reception.

We both go into the 7/11, heading straight for the ATM in the back. Remy goes first, his excitement far outwaying ny own.

"Holy shit! I got paid!" He smiles at me. Dragging me next to him, he points to the screen triumphantly. There displayed clear as day is the total he has in his new bank account, $785.

We both knew that he will get more than me, but only by so much. I'm so happy that his full weeks pay came in, and he got to see his work paid off.

"I'm going to grab a Dare. Check yours too!" He beams before walking off with a skip in his step.

Inserting my card, I enter the new pin I made sure to memorize. Looking at the screen, I can't but gape like a fish.


I've never had that much money before in my life!

I'm in so much shock that I don't realise Remy has come up behind me until he wraps an ar around my shoulders.

"Hey, shhh. Just breath." He says quietly in my ear

We Found Love In A Homeless Place《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now