Chapter two

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It's raining, just as usual. Sarah sways back and forth, humming and dancing as she holds a bowl of popcorn between her waist and her arm. Ryan smiles slightly, looking at his best friend. She's wearing a baggy sweater that shows her tank top strap on her shoulders and some baggy pajama pants. Ryan is wearing a sweater and pajama pants as well, she just looks more elegant than him. 

"So..." Sarah sits on the couch, snuggling into him as he wraps his arm around her shoulders. 


"Cabin. Let's discuss this casually," she says. Ryan swallows down all of the excitement, but a smile still tugs at the corners of his lips.

"Yes, we are adults now," he says, nodding seriously. 

"So, I'm playing Jane, an-"

"What?!" he yells, accidentally falling off of the couch. Sarah stands, popcorn still in hand.

"What happened to casually?!" she asks as she helps the brunet back up.

"You're playing Jane?! As in, Jane Davis?! As in, the girl the whole movie is about?!" Ryan yells, eyes wide. Sarah smiles, nodding. "Holy... oh, my God... oh, my God," he says, laughing.

"I know, I feel the same!" Sarah's phone starts ringing, immediately gaining her attention. She reaches for it. "Oh, uh..." Her eyes flicker with something. "Oh, my God, it's the producer."

"What? Well, a-answer it!" Ryan says.

"What do I say, what do you think he wants?!" Sarah whisper-yells, and Ryan reaches for her phone.

"Something Sarah would say!" He presses answer and brings it to her ear.

"Hello?" Sarah immediately answers. Ryan smiles and bite his bottom lip nervously, suddenly feeling like a teenager when his best friend's crush calls her. Her smile drops and suddenly she's serious, and now Ryan is too. 

"Oh, that's not good... Yeah... Um." Sarah looks at him and smiles wickedly. "Actually, yeah, I do. His name is Ryan Ross, my absolute best friend."

Ryan stops, suddenly getting anxious. No, why are you mentioning me? Sarah stop, no, what? 

His heart is pounding harder than Sarah's, her pacing around nervously as Ryan holds his hands together.

"He has done it for years, very amazing work, I trust him with this more than anything... How much do you think?... Perfect! Thank you so much, we will see you soon!" Sarah says happily before hanging up.

"What? Why did you mention me, what-"

"No reason, just don't think you need to look for a third job anymore," she says casually. She suddenly puts the popcorn down, grabs his phone, and runs down to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Ryan sits on the couch and waits carefully. 

Ryan looks around the small apartment. It's a huge step up from the two moving into the same apartment building and becoming best friends for years. He's a simple guy who works at a music shop and a diner and likes special effects makeup and watching movies when he's bored, it's not super exciting. But now Sarah is the lead girl role in a huge production movie, not some struggling actress who would get small roles for commercials or indie movies or music videos. It's a huge step up.

"Okay, perfect! Thank you, Gabe!" Sarah says as she walks back into the living room. She hangs up and throws Ryan his phone again.

"And why?" he asks.

"You now have a four month long break from both jobs, and no longer have to search for a third." Sarah smiles. 

"Why?" Ryan asks again, getting slightly nervous. 

"Because now you're my personal makeup artist, no big deal," she says casually, but a smile breaks onto her face. Ryan's eyes are wide, his heart has dropped like 10 levels, and he's actually gonna work on a movie set. 

"You're lying," he says. 

"Nope!" Sarah laughs. Ryan looks around, running his hands through his hair.

"Oh, my God..." he says. 

"We are leaving tomorrow, so... better get packing." Sarah smiles wide but Ryan's still trying to process it all. He stands up, not even sure what to say. Sarah giggles and stands. He wraps his arms around her tightly.

"Thank you," he manages to say. She smiles and hugs him back tightly.

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