Chapter thirteen

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"He just is so irritating. He's like those two girls at the diner times 3," Ryan explain to Sarah, only for her to laugh.

"Oh, come on, he's a nice guy!"

"Are we talking about the same person?" Ryan asks, raising his eyebrow. Sarah rolls her eyes, smiling and drinking some water. Ryan watches the lemon slices float around in the bottle. He takes a deep breath, looking at his still hurt wrist. It hasn't gotten any better and Brendon's made two comments about it total, then asked again what he even did. Luckily Dallon walked in right as he asked, and he heard all about what happened from Tyler, so he distracted Brendon.  

A girl walks up to the two, blonde hair in a high bun. She's wearing a coat, holding another. 

"Hey, so, good news and a little bad news," she says, catching Ryan's attention. Word got out that Brendon is gonna be in a new movie, and there's a whole bunch of questions to who is gonna be Jane. 

"Okay, bad news first," Sarah says. 

"I couldn't find the coat we saw the other day, but I found this one instead," she says, handing Sarah a coat that looks really warm and fuzzy inside. Sarah smiles and gasps, feeling the inside. She puts it on.

"Oh, it's so much better, thank you, Linda," she says, and Linda smiles. If it were Ryan and Brendon, Brendon would yell at him and take the jacket 'out of pity'. 

"I'm gonna go before Brendon yells at me to do something," Ryan says, turning around.

"Hey, wait," Linda says, and Ryan turns. "You know Spencer, right?"

"Yeah, we were best friends growing up," Ryan says.

"Okay, well..." She looks around to make sure no one else except him and Sarah are listening. "He asked me out on a date and I said I'll think about it, should I say yes?"

Ryan smiles, because she seems like a sweet girl and Ryan knows Spencer well.

"Yeah. He's really sweet, always puts someone he cares about first. As long as you treat him nicely, he'll be by your side forever. He is wonderful," Ryan says, smiling softly. Linda smiles and chuckles a bit.

"Okay. I'll say yes," she says, nodding. Sarah smiles as well and Ryan says a quick goodbye before turning and officially leaving. He hasn't seen Brendon today besides when they woke up. He's been all over the place, having to talk to Dallon about all the offers that Brendon's getting, trying to keep their location a secret, everything. It's slowly driving him insane.

His phone begins to ring, so he pulls it out of his pocket and answers it. He walks into the cabin and begins to go to his room.

"Hello, is this George Ross III?" A woman asks over the phone.

"Um, yes, this is him," Ryan says, very confused. He walks into his room, setting his things down on his bed.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Andrews, I work for Kindred Hospital in Seattle, your grandmother was taken here this morning after being found unconscious in her home and you were the only name on the contact list," she explains, and Ryan's heart sinks. No, no way, this can't be possible.

"Wh-... what happened?" Ryan chokes out, trying to keep his voice normal as possible.

"We haven't been able to pinpoint what is causing this, but I think our estimated guess is from old age," she says. Tears form in Ryan's eyes. 

"I... um, thank you. If anything happens, please call me. I'm gonna be out of town for a long while, I'll try to get down there as soon as I can, but I can't say how long that will be from now. Thank you," he says, trying his best to keep it together.

"Of course. Take care."

"You too." He hangs up and swallows the massive lump in his throat. Last week he got drunk with Brendon and to his knowledge, possibly has sex with him, and now he's here crying because the only family who loves him is dying. 

He puts my phone on the bed and leaves. No phone, no second phone, only his own wallet. Brendon paid him three days ago for the past month. Who knew working for a millionaire actor would get you paid $7,000 a month? Ryan certainly didn't, but he's not sure how happy he is about the job to get that much.

He steps out, deciding to just walk straight down the path. No one will question it. There's nothing to question, just that he needs to be alone. 

He doesn't know how long he walked for, but will take a strong guess and say it's been over an hour. He's now sitting outside some motel, snow falling hard. He's freezing and tired. He may be losing his job by doing this, leaving without telling Brendon, but if he risks having to deal with Brendon while thinking about this, then he'll probably end up being fired anyway. That's more risky than this. 

He stares at the white sky, cringing slightly because it's bright. The important part is that he still has her right now. She isn't dead yet so for now he should take the time to appreciate her living. He wonders if Brendon will notice that he's gone, but immediately shakes his head and looks down. He knows that Brendon will notice, he will get mad that Ryan's not there for him to yell at to get something. Ryan's the most convenient person to yell at, he knows that. Yesterday Brendon yelled at him for 8 minutes straight about something that was out of his control and Ryan just stood there, letting it happen. Perks of working as a waiter, customers yell at him all the time. 

Maybe he should just let himself get fired.

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