Chapter five

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"You're just a spoiled little brat!" A girl yells at Brendon as they walk in to the tent. Almost everyone looks over, then most of those people look away as if they know that they shouldn't.

"No I'm not!" Brendon says back. Ryan finishes up Sarah's makeup, just applying some lipstick.

"Yes, oh my god, you are! You're rich and spoiled and you don't know the concept of love or what it's like to understand people who are struggling!"

"If you have such a huge problem, then why don't you quit?!" 

"Fine, I quit! Good luck finding someone to be your assistant!" She yells, throwing her clipboard on the ground and leaving. Lucky her, she finally gets to leave, Ryan says internally. 

"What happened?" Patrick asks. 

"I no longer have a personal assistant. Do you know how much I have to get done and have no one to do it now?" Brendon says. Sarah looks at Ryan, and something flashes through her eyes.

"Ryan will be your new assistant!" She says, and his eyes widen.

"He will?" Brendon and Ryan ask in unison.

"He was talking earlier about how he doesn't have to do a lot of work with my makeup so he has been wanting more work," Sarah continues. 

"He did?" Ryan asks.

"Fine, whatever, I guess," Brendon says. He doesn't like doing anything himself. Ryan needs to pay rent. Screw it.

"Fine," Ryan says. 

"Follow me, then," Brendon orders and Ryan sends a glare at his best friend, who just smiles sweetly in response. He follows Brendon out of the room and they quickly end up in the cold air outside. 

It's snowing very lightly, and for a quick moment, it feels nice for Ryan to be walking with someone out here. Ryan can remember the time him and his dad went to Washington to go to his grandfather's funeral. His grandmother loves the snow, him and Spencer used to surprise her with a whole bunch of snowmen and she'd laugh and take a photo and make them hot chocolate.

"Do you have a license?" Brendon asks in an annoyed tone, snapping Ryan out of his thoughts. 

"Of course," he says. 

"Good, cause you'll need it. I need you to go pick some things up from town, you know how to get there?"

"Yeah," Ryan says again.

"Good. Here's the keys, it's silver. And here's a list of things I need you to get, use my card," he says, handing Ryan the clipboard that his now old assistant had, as well as his wallet. "Oh, wait." Brendon grabs a pen and adds a few things on the list. Ryan waits patiently but anxiously. He clicks the pen and hands it to Ryan.

"I should set some rules: no telling me about yourself because usually I'm not actually interested, make sure I know where you are at all times, don't spend an unnecessarily long time doing something, don't argue when I tell you to do something, and always get what is needed done. Always listen to what I say, don't try to get to know me cause I don't care enough to tell you, and don't go against anything I say. I always get my way, trust me. Now go," he instructs, handing Ryan the keys as well before turning away and leaving. 

Brendon really is a spoiled little brat.

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