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Ryan can remember the day he made eye contact with Brendon, and Brendon remembers it too. They passed each other, entranced by the other, and then Ryan briefly fainted. They remember everything; the pain, them both passing out after working too hard, the love, the hate, the fights, the arguments, the sex, the times they kissed. They remember when they sat at the fire together and Brendon kissed Ryan. The day it all started.

Brendon remembers confessing to Dallon about how strong his feelings for Ryan were, not wanting to admit he was already in love. Brendon admitted that it really was love at first sight, but the exact moment he truly fell in love was when he asked if Ryan was okay at the fire. The moment that Ryan looked at him and their eyes met, they both felt something extreme.


Though, neither of them realized it for months, and when they did, when Ryan did, it all crashed down, and then things changed, and Ryan isn't sure if he likes it.

Ryan sits and stares outside, one hand on his opposite shoulder and the other around his stomach. The lights are off except for the door light. Ryan watches the outside, remembering everything between and the only man he fell in love with. It's no lie that he misses Brendon. Everyone knows that.

Ryan watched everyone he is closest to grow with fame. Five and a half years ago, Sarah and Ryan were not known whatsoever, Ryan maybe for a few makeup clients, but that's it. Nowadays, Sarah Orzechowski is America's sweetheart. There is not a single person who dislikes her or doesn't know her. She has been in 9 shows and about 24 movies now, whether it be a quick cameo or a lead role. She's famous.

Ryan looks at the time. He should go to bed soon. It's 11:11. Ryan takes a deep breath, sadness filling his heart.

Suddenly, sounds of the door being unlocked fills the air. His heart sinks with fear and he looks around for a place to hide, but then the door opens and his heart sinks.

Brendon looks at him and smiles wide. Ryan hurries off of the bay window seat and rushes to the raven haired man.

They attack each other in a tight hug after Brendon closes the door and let's go of his suitcases.

"You're home," Ryan says quietly but excitedly. Brendon smiles more and pulls away, looking into Ryan's eyes.

"I'm home," he repeats. Ryan smiles uncontrollably. Brendon places his hands on Ryan's hips and pulls him close, pressing their lips together. Ryan kisses back happily, and when they pull apart, Ryan says, "I missed you."

"I missed you too. We finished filming early and I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, colour me surprised," Ryan says with a smile.

"Thoughts on snuggling while we watch something?"

"Love it." Brendon smiles and kisses Ryan quickly before leading him to the couch. They lay together, feet rested on the ottoman, and Ryan grabs a blanket and pulls it up. Brendon grabs the remote and they quickly choose a show to watch.

Brendon wraps one arm around Ryan, hand on his hip as the other holds Ryan's hand on his chest.

"I love you," Brendon says.

"I love you too," Ryan responds with a smile. Brendon kisses him on the head.

And with that, they begin to watch the show as Ryan snuggles into his husband.

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