Chapter twenty-nine

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"So, if you just randomly turned into a oatmeal cookie-"

"I wouldn't even hesitate to eat myself," Sarah says, cutting Ryan off.

"Wow. Raisins or no?"

"Hmm... I'd prefer no raisins, but I can't change image. Either way, I'd eat me."

"That was really inspirational," Ryan says, humming.

"Or really sexual," Sarah says, and they nod.

"It's nice talking to you."

"I know, everything has been so busy and hectic that I barely get to smile at you," Sarah tells him.

"So, spill the tea, what's goin' on?"

"Never say that again," Sarah says, cringing a bit.

"Noted, now, what's happened?"

"Okay, so, you know how I had that meeting in LA the other day and flew out there?" Sarah says, not able to hide her smile.


"Okay, well, it was with a casting director for this T.V. show, she wanted me to go visit the set and do an audition, and I got it!"

Ryan's eyes widen.


"Yeah!" Sarah says, and he hugs her.

"That's so great, you are gonna do amazing!"

"Thank you," Sarah says, and Ryan notices her uncertain tone. He pulls away.

"Okay, what is it? Is it the show?" He asks sadly and worriedly. "Do you not wanna take it?"

"No, no, I love it, it's just..."


Sarah sighs and takes Ryan's hands.

"Okay. So..." She takes a deep breath. "Monsieur, mon chéri," she starts, and Ryan feels panic set inside of him.

"Oh no, what is it?"

"I love you, okay?"

"Sarah, you're scaring me," Ryan says nervously.

"It's in LA," she says.

"So?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Babe," she says, taking another deep breath, "I'm moving to LA."

There's a long pause, Ryan speechless and Sarah worried.


"You're what?!" 

"I'm sorry, I-... I don't know what to say, but... this is my dream. It breaks my heart, and I don't know what to do. I will still visit you, you know I will!"

"I know, it's... it's just not gonna be the same," Ryan says sadly. Sarah looks down. "But I'm happy for you."

Sarah looks up.


"Sarah, you're my best friend. I'm not gonna make you push your dreams aside for me," Ryan says kindly, and Sarah leaps forward, both holding the other close, but Ryan feels sadness and anxiety fill his chest. 

He's gonna be alone.

"Yes, thank you," Ryan says to his landlord before hanging up and letting out a sigh of relief. He has finally been able to pay for rent and even two more months worth. After talking to Sarah, he realized quickly that he needs to just hug people and thank them before it's too late.

And so when Brendon walks in, he immediately wraps his arms around him tightly. Brendon freezes, because he told himself several times that he isn't gonna let this happen anymore.


"Thank you," Ryan says quietly. 

"For what?" 

"For everything." He pulls away and looks at him softly. "Especially that guy."

Brendon's heart flutters at how beautiful Ryan is, and he leaps forward, connecting their lips together. They kiss each other, soft and gentle, Ryan's careful hands going to Brendon's short raven hair, Brendon's shaking fingers gripping Ryan's shirt needlessly. They hold each other.

"Brendon," Ryan breathes out, heart suddenly pounding as they press their foreheads together. He's suddenly terrified, a choking lump in his throat and anxiety bubbling in the pit of his stomach. "I think..."


They kiss again, delicate and careful, and then pull away again.

"I... I think I'm..."

One more kiss. 

Ryan swallows hard before finally saying the words he had just now realized.

"I'm in love with you."

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