Chapter seventeen

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Brendon is the first to wake up. He's warm, blankets covering him, arms wrapped around his more than half naked assistant, their legs intertwined, Ryan breathing steadily, hickeys on his neck and one on his slightly bruised hips. Brendon's eyes widen and he feels guilty for holding onto him a little longer. He's angry because he gave into such strong temptations. He would never when it comes to him playing along, he'd always be on the other side of the invisible fence, but now Ryan's pinned up against it, their bodies pressed together.

He hugs Ryan, just to see what it's like, lips against Ryan's shoulder, skin smooth and warm. Ryan's asleep, and Brendon's mad. 

He suddenly pulls away, not caring if it wakes Ryan up or not. Though internally, he does. He hurries to put on his clothes, muttering things like "you fucked up" , "you're an idiot" , "can't believe I gave in" and so on. Ryan stirs a bit before opening his eyes.

Brendon looks around for his wallet, but he turns and sees Ryan. Their eyes meet and Brendon scoffs and rolls his eyes. Ryan's heart sinks.


He gets it.

He shakes his head and get out of bed, reaching over for his clothes. Brendon stares at Ryan, pressing his lips together because he looks so nice. Though, when Ryan looks at him, he looks away and swallows. He's gonna ignore it, just like he did when they kissed by the fire and like he did after their drunken night together. He's playing Ryan because he wants attention and Ryan's easy to get.

Neither of hem speak as they get dressed and leave. He throws Ryan the keys, looking at the snow. It's not snowing anymore but about 5 inches was added to the 4. Ryan scrambles to catch the keys. He's driving. Got it. 

They get in the car, Ryan shuffling uncomfortably. Brendon notices. Ryan doesn't notice him noticing. Ryan starts the car and drives. No words are exchanged, just pure, deafening silence. That is, until Ryan parks. He reaches to stop the car.

"No one, not a single fucking person can know about last night, got it?" Brendon says angrily, voice bitter and purely pissed off. Ryan pulls the key out.

"Don't worry, I don't want anyone knowing that I slept with an arrogant prick who only cares about his reputation." Brendon frowns and goes to argue. "Sorry, too mean? I'll try again: no one wants to hear that Brendon Urie slept with someone so little to him like his PA." Ryan gets out of the car before Brendon can yell at him, because they both know that he can't yell about it now that they're around people. Ryan begins to walk off, going straight to the cabin as Brendon is immediately being spoken to by the director.

He's safe, but knows that he's not gonna hear the end of it later. He hates himself for last night. He hates that he gave in and let Brendon do all of that. He hates that he enjoyed it and especially hates that it's still something he'd wanna do again with him.

Ryan feels very sore from it all and that leaves him to wonder if they even did it the first time when they were drunk. He thinks that if they were drunk, he wouldn't mention the small amount of lube thing, so maybe they did, but he wouldn't know. Both times they put on underwear afterwards. 

He walks into the room and sighs dramatically, one simple thought crossing his mind:

Brendon Urie is gonna be the death of me.

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