Chapter thirty-seven

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"So, Spencer and Linda know, Dallon is suspicious, and Sarah knows we both separately were upset?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah. And Spencer knows that I said we wanted to keep it a secret, and so I'm pretty sure he told that to Linda."

"Okay," Ryan tells his boyfriend, taking a deep breath. Brendon sighs a bit.

"Are you okay?" He asks cautiously.

"Yes. No. I don't know. I trust them all, I'm just worried about someone slipping up and telling someone else, then them telling someone else, and then everyone knowing."

"It's okay. I trust them to know."

"Sarah's good at keeping secrets. That is, if you tell her that it's a secret."

Brendon laughs lightly, which makes Ryan smile on the other line.

"So, how did Spencer find out?" Ryan asks, and Brendon hesitates. It's been weeks since he found out, and he's just now telling Ryan. They're done with the movie, not that Ryan knows that, and he's outside at the airport. They're in Seattle, though Dallon doesn't know why other than the fact that Brendon insisted, and Ryan's clueless.

"He found my plane ticket," Brendon says, and Ryan stops, slowly realizing.


"I love you," Brendon says quickly.

"How long have they known?"

"I'm sorry."

"Brendon," Ryan says strictly.

"The day I got back to the set," Brendon says quietly. Ryan goes to speak, but Brendon rushes out apologies. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't want you to worry and I was scared you'd overreact."

"Overreact?" Ryan asks, and Brendon realizes his mistake.

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant-" Ryan hangs up because he needs to think. Brendon's heart sinks, then sighs and turns. His heart sinks even more when he realizes that Dallon has been standing next to him for a while now.

"So, you wanna tell me who your secret lover is?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. Brendon goes to speak, but the car pulls up and Brendon quickly gets in. Dallon puts their bags in the trunk, then gets in. "Well?" 

"Go to the nearest flower shop, please," Brendon says nervously, and the driver nods. 

"Brendon," Dallon says. 

"You'll see," he says.

Ryan stands up when he hears a knock on the door, confusion painted across his face. He opens the door and stops, because Brendon is holding a bouquet of roses and Dallon is standing behind him. Dallon's eyes widen a bit, and Ryan comes to the conclusion that he is just now finding out.

"I'm sorry," Brendon says. Ryan sighs because half of him wants to jump in his arms and the other half wants to slam the door on his face.

"Come in," Ryan says quietly, and they do. Dallon closes the door behind him as Ryan takes the roses. Brendon takes his shoes off and puts them next to Ryan's, and Dallon does the same, shocked as to what is happening.

"I love you," Brendon says.

"I love you too," Ryan mutters angrily cause right now he's mad.

"Baby, I'm sorry," Brendon tells him.

"Uh huh, yeah, sure," Ryan says immediately. Dallon stands awkwardly as Ryan cuts the stems of the roses of and throws them away. He puts the flowers in a vase that belonged to his grandmother.

Brendon takes a step close, but Ryan walks over to the couch. He sits in the corner, then makes Dallon sit next to him. Brendon whines a bit and sits on the other side.

"So, I'm guessing you finished the movie?" Ryan asks.

"Yeah, um... should I not ask what's going on right now?" Dallon asks.

"Brendon said I overreact," Ryan says. Dallon turns and looks at him.

"You said that? That's low," Dallon says.

"Thank you!" Ryan says loudly and Brendon feels even guiltier.

"I didn't say that, I said I was worried you would!" Brendon says, looking at his boyfriend around Dallon. Ryan looks away. "Please, I'm sorry, and I love you and I miss you," Brendon says quietly. Ryan sighs, because he missed Brendon too. 

"Now I'm just worried that all I do is overreact," Ryan says quietly as he looks down at his hands tugging at the ends of his sleeves. Brendon's guilt rises ten levels. 

"No, no, you don't. Anything you've ever done you've handled it in a good way, trust me. If any thing, you underreacted when I told you Spencer knows about us dating," Brendon says.

"Woah, you're dating?! And Spencer knew?!" Dallon yells. Ryan stands up and walks over to the T.V.. He turns on the PS4 and puts in Until Dawn, turns off the lights because it fits the mood, and walks back over. Brendon looks at him hopefully when he stands in front of him. Ryan gestures for him to stand up while putting the remote on the couch. Brendon does, and Ryan wraps his arms around his neck. 

Brendon, relieved, hugs him back tightly, fingers gripping his shirt as tight as he can. 

"I missed you," Brendon says quietly.

"I missed you so much," Ryan tells him, because he really did. He missed him more than anything and it was almost painful. "I love you, Brendon."

"I love you too, Ry," Brendon says. They eventually pull away and Ryan kisses him. Dallon awkwardly checks his phone, feeling like a major third wheel.

Brendon sits on the end of the couch, back against the arm, and Ryan sits in front of him, laying back against him as he starts the game again.

"How much have you played since I left?"

"I tried to play once but I kept getting scared so I stopped," Ryan says, and Brendon kisses his cheek. 

"Well, I've got you now so you don't have to be scared anymore," he says, and Dallon smiles a bit. 

They're actually really cute.

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