Chapter thirty-eight

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When Ryan wakes up again, Brendon walks in with two cups of coffee. He smiles at Ryan, who is tiredly rubbing his eyes. Ryan looks up at him, then smiles. Brendon leans down and gets close as he smiles wide. Ryan reaches for his glasses and suddenly they're both wearing a pair. 

"How's my baby?" Brendon asks, causing Ryan to chuckle softly. 

"Tired," Ryan replies. Brendon hums before leaning down and gently kissing him. Their lips move slowly together, kissing each other passionately. Slow turns to fast and soon Brendon's taking off his jacket, the two quietly moaning. Ryan tugs at his boyfriend's hair, loving the touches, but then the doorbell goes off and they stop. Brendon gets off and Ryan slips out of bed, standing up. Brendon stands and turns him around, pulling him close. 

"You look hot," he says before kissing him. He squeezes Ryan's ass, causing the brunet to whimper and moan. "I can't wait to fuck you later," Brendon says quietly against Ryan's lips, then pulls away and sits down. Ryan blushes hard and awkwardly quickly puts on a pair of jeans and a sweater to leave the room and answer the door. 

Brendon smirks and takes a drink of his coffee when Ryan opens the door. Ryan stops, fear and excitement fueling him.

"Hey!" He says excitedly. Sarah smiles wide.

"Hey!" She copies him. Ryan stutters a bit before wrapping his arms around his best friend. Sarah laughs and hugs him back.

"You're here?"

"I got all of my stuff packed and shipped to LA, but my flight was rescheduled to tomorrow afternoon so I was hoping you would let me stay the night?"

"Of course!" Ryan says, because he has somehow completely forgotten about his boyfriend being in the same apartment as them. 

Ryan lets Sarah walk inside. She places her bag next to the door and takes off her shoes before smiling tiredly at Ryan. 

"Wait, why are there boxes?"

"I'm moving. Um... I didn't really wanna live in this apartment anymore, and I have enough money to move, so... yeah," Ryan explains. Brendon walks out with their coffees, him and Sarah stopping as they see each other.

"Oh, um... hi?" Sarah says, smiling in confusion. Ryan realizes and tenses up.

"Hi," Brendon says, and Ryan looks between them, trying his best to say something, but nothing comes out.

"What are you doing here, I thought you went home?" Sarah asks, hanging up her coat. 

"Um... Brendon..." Ryan tries to start.

"Ryan left a few of his things at the cabin so I came to return them, and then my flight was also cancelled. I decided to help Ryan pack, so I'm not leaving for a few more days," Brendon says casually, suddenly making Ryan look like he was just embarrassed to admit it. Perks of dating a famous actor.

Ryan nods shyly and Sarah nods in understanding.

"Ah, okay. Well, now the three of us can hang out outside of the movie!" She says excitedly, causing the two boys to fake a smile, Brendon's being 100% believable while Ryan's just looks awkward. 

Ryan sits on the counter, nervously looking at the ground. What if Sarah hates him? What if she completely blows up on the fact that he's dating her costar? What if the fans hunt after him and hurt him? Will he be able to live normally after that?

Brendon walks into the kitchen, then notices him looking tense.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know, I'm... I'm scared to tell everyone," Ryan admits. 

"Why's that?"

"In case you haven't noticed, Brendon, I'm a nobody," Ryan says, and Brendon looks at him sadly.

"Baby, don't say that," he says, sounding genuinely heartbroken, but Ryan dismisses it.

"You're... you're this cool, hot, famous actor that every girl worldwide is in love with, and I'm just some guy who hates living. I'm a nobody, you're a star. If we tell people, then they're gonna laugh and think you're joking."

Sarah walks out of the room, walking down the hall. She stops to tie her shoe.

"No one is gonna laugh, Ryan," Brendon says, catching Sarah's attention.

"I know I made a huge deal about wanting people to know, but I meant like... like Spencer and Sarah and Dallon and the producers, all of those people. But what if they just upright hate me? Or like," Brendon steps closer, "what if they just say 'oh, no, you aren't good enough for him'? Or what if fans hunt me down and kill me? Or what if-"

"Hey," Brendon cuts him off, placing his hand on the side of Ryan's leg. Brendon raises an eyebrow and Ryan takes a deep breath. Brendon smiles as Sarah looks around the corner in confusion. Neither of them see her. "There you go, just breathe."

"I'm just scared," Ryan says quietly as he looks down. 

"I know." Brendon gets closer. "I know, it's alright. Just remember- look at me, hey, Ry, look at me." Brendon places his finger underneath Ryan's chin and brushes his thumb against his cheek. "If anyone I or we know tries to hate on you, they're gonna have to go through me first. Either way, I am never gonna let you go."

Ryan nods, smiling slightly. Brendon places his hands on Ryan's waist, and Sarah frowns a bit.

"I love you," Ryan says, Brendon smiles, and Sarah realizes. They're dating and Ryan's scared of their relationship being public.

"I love you too," Brendon says. He kisses Ryan again, Ryan's hands tracing Brendon's skin as they carefully move to the sides of his neck, kissing his boyfriend with love and passion in his mind. Sarah grabs Ryan's phone from the counter and takes a picture of the two kissing. She turns it off, turns around, and leaves with a smile. 

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