Chapter thirty-five

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"Alright, I'm back, and I got a few things for you," Brendon says and Ryan looks up, heart fluttering because he thought that Brendon already left to the airport. He woke up and there was no sign of him. "What?"

"I thought you already left," Ryan says, and Brendon walks up to him. He kisses him shortly. 

"You think I'd leave my boyfriend without saying goodbye?" He asks quietly, and Ryan's heart flutters at that word. He still hasn't processed it, that the actual Brendon Urie is his boyfriend. 

"I'm sorry, you know?" Ryan says, wrapping his arms around Brendon's neck. 

"For what?"

"For hating you."

"It's okay, I deserved it," Brendon says, smiling.

"No, I mean... before I met you, I used to really hate you. Like, really hate you. In fact you're the only person I've ever hated before," Ryan admits.

"Well, don't go hating other people, I don't want anyone stealing you from me. You're my boy," Brendon says, adding a small smirk. Ryan suddenly sighs sadly.

"I don't want you to leave," Ryan whines quietly. Brendon looks at him with a hint of sadness and guilt. "I'm gonna miss you too much."

"Well, while I was out buying you every single movie and show I am in so you can watch it whenever you're feeling lonely, I was thinking of that. You have my number on your phone, so every time I'm free, I'll text you. Also, I'll tell Dallon to tell Gabe to not keep scheduling you to work nonstop."

Ryan goes to speak, confused, but Brendon cuts him off.

"He did it because he was worried how upset you were over me, but now you're not, so you can finally work how you used to."

"I think I might get another job." Brendon's eyes widen and he frowns in worry.

"What? No, no, you already work enough. I am not letting you get another job because it'll literally kill you, and I'm not coming back to a hospitalized boyfriend," Brendon says, worried because Ryan looks so tired from all the work he's already done in the past three days. 

Ryan looks at him guiltily, because he has an interview later today. He hesitates to speak, then looks down, and Brendon realizes.

"You got another job?!"

"An interview, yeah," Ryan says quietly.

"Why do you want three jobs?" Ryan looks up.

"You paid me and that'll last me a while, but eventually I'm gonna run out of money and I'm gonna need more, and based on how I was living before I worked for you... I don't wanna risk it."

Brendon frowns a bit, and Ryan realizes that he hasn't told Brendon how much he was struggling beforehand. He looks down again.

"I... I'll just say that if I didn't work for you, then I'd be homeless right now. I couldn't pay two months worth of rent until you paid me, and... again, I don't wanna live like that again."

"Live with me," Brendon suddenly says, and Ryan looks up in shock.


"Live with me. You don't have to worry about paying rent, you don't have to worry about working yourself to death, you don't have to worry. Plus, it's lonely living by myself." 

"I have a month and a half left of rent that I paid, and that'll be by the time that the movie is over, and I'll put in my two weeks notices as soon as possible. Is that okay?"

"Yes, it's perfect," Brendon says, and they both smile. 

"Now, what were you thinking about?"

"Right, okay," Brendon pulls away and walks to the coffee table. He sits on the ground and pulls out the cases and puts them on the table. Ryan locks the front door. "First off, I didn't realize just how many movies I was in until I was buying them."

Ryan looks at the stack. There's at least 20-30, and it must have cost Brendon a lot. 

"I found this collection of The Harpers, Jesse, and Summer's Day, and I'll be honest with you, I have personally only seen maybe a third of all of these movies," Brendon says, and Ryan chuckles softly.

"Soon Cabin will be added to that collection of movies I'm gonna watch," Ryan says, sitting behind Brendon and wrapping his arms around his neck, kissing his cheek.

"You plan on watching it?"

"My best friend's in it, of course I'm watching it," Ryan says, and Brendon nods, completely forgetting that him and Sarah are best friends.

"I thought you two were dating for like, the first few weeks I knew you," Brendon says.

"Really, now?"

"I think I figured it out when we were drunk, I don't know. After that it was planted in my head that you were gay."

"Probably because of what we did."

"Oh, we didn't have sex that time, Dallon told me," Brendon says. "Yeah, apparently him and Spencer walked in on us making out pretty hardcore and brought us back to the cabin. Spencer explained it more, apparently I threw up and it got on my shirt so they made me undress and then you did too. By the way, the people who know about our love for each other is Spencer, Linda, and Dallon. They promised not to tell anyone else."

"I knew about the making out part cause I kinda remember it, but that's reassuring," Ryan says.

"Anyway, my plan," Brendon says again, feeling bad for getting so distracted so easily, "I was thinking that whenever we're free, we can call each other, and you have these movies, and we can even Skype or whatever when it gets late. And if I have day or two off, then I'll fly out here and visit for a bit, and Dallon will know about it those times."

Ryan stops, pulling away. 

"Dallon doesn't know you're here?!" He asks, staring at Brendon like he's insane. 

"No, um-"

"That's why he's been calling me!" 

"You haven't told him, have you?" Brendon asks, looking at his boyfriend, because if Dallon finds out where Brendon is, he'll kill him and Ryan.

"No, every time he called I wasn't around my phone or at work. Babe, you... Dallon's gonna kill us."

"Not if you don't tell him. I-... I have to leave to the airport soon, so I'll go back and try to sneak my way back in somewhere, let them find me. I'll be okay, and... I'll pretend we're not together, okay? Like I was trying to clear my head, and no one will know."

"Okay. And on the topic of no one knowing, I... I was wondering if we could not tell anyone for a while," Ryan says shyly, and Brendon nods. "It's just that... I've heard girls go on and on about you and how they want you to do things to them, and I'm scared that all I'm gonna get is... I don't know, threats?"

"Of course, I get it, it's okay."

"And I just don't wanna risk having friends know yet because the movie is already a huge thing that's happening and I just don't wanna have someone slip up and let everyone else know," Ryan continues nervously, and Brendon nods.

"Of course, baby. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, it's all up to you," Brendon says, and Ryan relaxes a bit.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too." They lean in and press their lips together, then pull away and hug each other tight.

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