Chapter 1

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"We watch as our young hearts fade into the flood, into the flood"
-Waves by Dean Lewis

"Some people are going to leave, but that's not the end of your story. That's the end of their part in your story." -Unknown


No one ever understands what it's like to be me. They think it's easy and I'm just a brat. Wrong. After the 'incident', our family was judged and ridiculed by it. Because of me. I caused this to be happening right now.

We are currently about to board our plane to LA, California from Seattle, Washington.

I stood waiting at our gate with my family, anxiously waiting to settle on the plane. We wouldn't have to be doing this if it wasnt for me, I thought to myself. Everything happening seems to be because of my foolish actions I guess.

"Flight 728 to LA, California, boarding now," the woman said over the airport intercom.

"Guess we should get going, huh?" I asked my family. They just nodded in agreement. I guess they noticed this is my fault too. Great.

We boarded the plane and I took the windowseat beside my twin brother, Casey. We looked a lot alike, although most in our family did. He was taller than me by, like, 5 inches. He was muscular too, girls also found him very attractive.

"You know, I'm not mad," he said facing me. He has a serious look on his face leaving me to actual wonder if he was telling the truth.

"How? Everyone knows this is my fault. I'm the cause of our family moving states. Do you not get how big of a joke that is?" I question him, frustrated.

"Listen M, I'll always be by your side. Even if it's wrong of me, I couldn't ever stay mad. Now we're doing online school, so hopefully no more mistakes like that. Everything will be okay." He assured me. Casey patted my hand softly and I mustered a smile... well maybe a grimace is more fitting.

I sighed, "Thanks, Casey. Love you, big bro." We only called each other 'big bro' and 'lil' sis' because he's 3 minutes older.

"Love you, lil' sis."

We took off and I put Spotify on. I clicked on New Pop Music. I needed something different to listen to for once. I laid back and sighed once again as a song I've never heard came on. Looking down, it read Free by Why Don't We. Definitely new. I looked out the window and slowly drifted off into a restless sleep.


I was awoken by someone shaking me. Why does everyone have to disturb my beauty sleep? I reluctantly opened my eyes to my brother.

"Dude, get up. We're here," Casey smiled at me. I got up and grabbed my carry-ons and walked off with him.

We had different seats from everyone else so we started looking around for them as soon as we got off the plane. We eventually saw them standing over by our luggage. Man they're quick. We walked over to our family as my heart rate began to go up.

"You guys are exceedingly slow," Sky folded her arms over her chest.

"Could say the same to you." Casey muttered as I slapped his arm. I shot him a look as he just shrugged it off.

"That was rude," I whispered, knowing what context he meant that in.

Mom interupted our small banter, "We have to sit and wait for our ubers. Sky will come with us, then you four will go together."

"I guess if I had a choice of jumping off a cliff than riding with those 3, you would see me facedown on a pile of rocks." My little brother, Dane, deadpanned.

"Don't be snappy with us, we're all older than you." I snapped with a scowl.

He looked at me and laughed, "I get why we had to move now."

My mother quickly stepped in, "Dane, one more word and you're grounded as soon as we get to the house." He looked at the ground frowning knowing he lost.

We waited 10 more minutes until Dad came and said they were here. We quickly headed out and climbed in. I was squished between Casey and Dane, sadly.

Soon, we arrived at the house and our parents gave us a quick tour and told us which rooms we have. Casey and Dane were the only ones that had to share. Bryson got his own, since he will be moving soon for college anyways. Skylar and I obviously got our own rooms since we're girls, and we have a 6 year age difference.

I looked into my room and saw all my stuff set up. A lot was in place so I didn't have to unpack everything. All I had to unpack was my clothes. Once done, I headed downstairs to the living room where my siblings were.

"Hey, wanna go do something around LA since it's our first day?"

Jonah's POV

"Did any of you guys see that girl? You know, at the airport?" I asked the boys.

"I don't think so, I was just getting off my flight." Daniel said. All the boys said they didn't see her either.

"Oh, she was just really pretty. No bid deal." I chuckled. I looked down. Maybe I'll run into her at some point.

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