Chapter 9

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"I'm jealous of the nights
That I don't spend with you
I'm wondering who you lay next to"
-Jealous by Labrinth

"Love and happiness are inseperable." -Unknown


It's been 2 months. Two whole months I haven't done anything I would regret. Bryson is leaving today for college. He'll be in New York. I'm going to miss him so much.

We are currently waiting at the airport for his flight to be called. Bryson stood by me, anxiously tapping his foot.

I looked up at him, "You're gonna do great. You know that, B."

"Thanks. You guys will have to come visit me." He said as I smiled sweetly.

"We will." I promised.

"Flight 432 to New York City, New York, now boarding." The lady called.

"That's me. I'm gonna miss you guys so much." He told us. He gave each of us big hugs, making sure mine was extra long. He whispered in my ear, "You'll be okay." I nodded and he pulled back.

He was always there for me, now he's leaving. My whole family was teary eyed. He said his last goodbyes and left. We stood at the airport window and watched his flight take off.

"Let's head back." My dad said. We climbed into the car and headed back home.

My dad and Casey started working on Bryson's old room. It was going to be Casey's new room so each of us can have our own.

I ordered an uber and told my parents I was headed to the boys. I hugged them and said goodbye, then left. We pulled up to the house, again.

I jumped out, walked up to the door and walked in. Yes, I do that now. I went out back to see the boys and Logan filming a mash-up. Once they were done Logan saw me.

"Hey!! It's my sista!" He yelled excitedly.

I walked over and laughed, "You guys are good, seriously."

"Thanks. Our last mash-up with you was way better though." Dani said while cocking his head.

I thanked him and we headed inside. We sat on the couch, Logan said goodbye and left.

I was on twitter looking through posts from fans when one caught my eye. It was a picture of Corbyn and I hugging. The caption was 'Colan forever😍'. Then, the nerves kicked in. Christina. I couldn't do this to her.

I looked at Corbyn nervously, "Hey, Corbs?"


"Umm.. well.. look at this." I showed him the picture and that caption. He looked at it intently. I pulled it away. "Christina knows there isn't anything going on between us, right?"

"Yeah, she knows. It's all good." He says, smiling. I loosened up knowing she was okay with it.

"Hey, Jojo grab some popcorn! Mikey, grab soda! Jack, grab chips. Dani, grab candy!" Zach demanded.

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