[][] Seems like their jealous ~♥[][]

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Alice's P.O.V;

After the appearance of Queen. Not until a day , gossips already spread. Everywhere I walk it's 'Queen this.' 'Queen that.' Huh~ it's really annoying but it good for once when I walked the hallways no one stared at me~.
So its good. Right now I'm going to the cafeteria (Ahem Restaurant Ahem ahem.) To have lunch. I open the cafeteria doors that is white silvery colour and went in.Everyone stare at me first and imedeatly looked away. Why? I just shrug it off and went to grab something to eat.

My lunch for today is meat with a side of mashed potatoes and salad. Of course , I still keep my health. I bega to eat not before they arrived and teleported at my table. Sophia is an exception but seriously this really getting annoying. I still calmly eat as I predict what's going to happen and its always right. I'm absolute after all. 'Lol! Somebody just bring Akashi here~!' I thought as I laugh at Alice acting as Akashi.
Continuing. First of all , it will always start with Eden hugging me and I only peacefully eat.

Second, Zephyr will scold Eden to let me go because "You are bothering her eating!" As they start a short fight. Third, Sophia will ask me about my day as usual and I always nod telling that it was "Normal.". Fourth, Lean will try to feed me but I always reject by dodging it making him sulking and pout like who knows how long. Fith, Ram will tell us about news that is happening or some gossips that he heard from girls and today's topic is....drum roll~ please~~~

" The Queen." For the first time Alice was intently listening to it. 'Fufufu She really cares about her reputation ~ though its cruel yet it's normal. I guess?' I thought as I continue to tell you about Sixth, Lean and Eden will always start a fight with each other and its always about Food, manners , talents and me! Ugh there they go again. As always I will cough loudly and give them a cold glare as they will immediately stop. That's all. Yup, that's all.

Not. Seventh, is there is someone will always glare at me. As if it wants to kill me alive. *shivers. But I choose to ignored it for safety. Right now our table was silent because recess will finish on 5:30 P.M and we still got 3 hours.

Rui: Nuts! I really want recess to be long. We only have 30 FRIKIN minutes to eat! And it even didnt count the long line!

Alice was getting bored so she started a conversation that is really un-ussual! "So~ What do you guys think about the Queen?" Alice ask looking at another direction ignoring their shocked and happy looks but than frown when they heard the word Queen. Why? "Kinda~ What does Alice-sama think about her?" Sophia said as I was surprised that she didn't stutter and what's with this tension (""^__^) Alice pretend to think a bit as I really am trying to think of something. "Hmm~ I guess she's not bad. She really cheerful and somehow has this aura around her that makes anyone smile." Alice said calmly as she closed her eyes. 'Huh! Is she talking about me?! I'm so touched~ (≥w≤)! ' I thought as I fake a tear.

"Now how about you guys?" Alice continue as she opened her eyes back and stared at them with my eyes that is turquoise color. Unique you can say. They all gulped as I can see sweats forming on their forehead as I closed my eyes back to less the tension. "Umm. I guess she is fine and if she makes you happy than I'm fine with it." Lean said as I sweatdrop. 'Is that a compliment?' I thought as I sweatdrop. Alice eyed Sophia as she fidget and with a shy tone. "I guess what Alice-sama said is kinda true. She really is beautiful ~" She said as a flowers suround her I can't help but chuckle at her cuteness. 'As we all believe that Cuteness is Justice!' I thought as I chuckle a bit same goes to Alice.

Sophia as if had snapped from her thought hurriedly said "B-but Alice-sama i-is more b-beautiful !!" Alice only nod and try her best to hold the urge to chuckle. Eden with a beamly smile cheerfully say it was his turn. "I think she is REALLY nice~! Plus she did save me and I can't wait to meet her again and thank her~!!" Eden said as his eyes twinkled and was full of sparkles. 'Yup! I can't wait for our next meeting ~' I thought as I felt someone getting jealous.
'Fufufufu~ Alice what a cute behaviour.' I say as let out a chuckle.  Eden continue to blabber nonsense as he turn to Zephyr who is now raising his left eyebrow. "What?" Zephyr ask Eden. Eden smiled and cheerfully said "Your turn!" Zephyr only sighed and looks like he was in his thought.

"Queen huh? Tch, To be honest. She is just to cheerfull. Just like this idiot." Zephyr said as he refer the idiot to Eden with his thumb pointing at him. Then there goes another fight. How many has it been? I miss counted. Alice only can stare as her eyes twitched a bit making Elias let out a chuckle and making him being caught by me. Alice stared at him as he stopped chuckle and with tinted pink cheeks he looked away making me more confuse. "*ahem. I guess she is like what Alice had said. I wonder if she is in this academy? I want to meet her~" Elias said as flowers also surround him. I swear Sophia and Elias will make a perfect couple. I started day dreaming of that really happen and make a ship name for them while Alice still has a calm emotionless face.

Alice look at Ram and he only shrug it off. Rem softly smile. " I think she is fine but I was surprised that her aura is a [Z] Rank. It takes many years to achieve that." Rem said as Ram continue his word "Maybe she is an old lady." Ram said as others started to laugh their buts off.

While their laughing a thickmark was on Alice head but they didn't notice it. 'Grrr! I'm younger than you thank you very much! ' I thought as I continue to  blabbering as Alice try to calm down. Key word try. When Alice had enough she calmly stood up and exit the cafeteria and walking towards her next class.
Alice had a dark aura surrounding her making others scared and make away for Alice. When she arrived at her class she sat down and rest her head on the table. 'I know your mad but I'm way worst than you.' I thought as I tried to think of something to cheer Alice up.

'Ah! Remember the time when Eden's and Lean's hand was stuck together?' That time as always Lean would visit me. I was in the library that day so I don't know how they got their hands stuck. They came in the library and asked me for help as I agreed. Since we need water to un-stuck it we went to the kitchen and on our way they broke many vases.
At the thought of them getting punish by mother was hilarious. Their faces was pale when mother had transform to Angel to Demon. Hahahaha I still remember that they were running the whole night and try to hide but sadly fail.

"Onee-sama what are you thinking about?" Alice bolts her head up when she heard Eden's voice and in front of her is Eden's face. 5 more inches and we might have kiss. 'I swear Alice is a bro-con.' I thought as I watch this cliché scene. Eden's face was red as steam came out from his face. Alice gave him a confuse look and waited Eden to calm down. When he did he faked a cough as I repeat his question. "Just a memory." Alice whisper but Eden didn't hear it. 'By the way why is Eden in my class. Doesn't he have training? ' I thought as Alice stared at Eden.

Eden looked away as he explain why he was here. "Umm. When you exit the cafeteria I thought you were mad because of what we said but it's not onee-sama! And why do you care about that Queen so much." Eden said but I didn't catch the last part so I didn't ask him and just ignored it. Alice only sigh and leave the class and Eden alone.

Oh! And if didn't notice it's already night time. 'Wow how long did I stay there?' I thought as Alice stared at the moon that is half and many stars was up on the dark sky. 'It's a sight that you don't want to miss.' I thought as Alice sigh and continue to walk back to her dorm.

I wonder if their jealous?


Alice: They aren't . (ī___ī)

Rui: Sorry but I don't know how to write about jealousy because I never really got jealous. (Q__Q).

Alice: So why did you call this chapter 'Seem like their jealous' ?

Rui: Because I ran out of ideas.

Alice: So why not do it like this. Next in 'Captured by... The Villainess'.

Rui: '[][][][][][][][][][]'

Alice: What is that?!

Rui: Please look forward to it!

Alice: Don't ignore me!!!


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