Chapter 10

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Hi :p


Willow's POV

"The runaway? We're missing two runaways. Do you think they could be working together?" Chief Executive Brogan asked. I nodded my head. If it has anything to do with Katelyn, James will be there in a heart beat.

Harry tensed up beside me and I out a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her Harry. I promise." he looked like he was going to cry. "Ok, so we need to think like that dirty old rat ass. Where would he take Kate?" I thought aloud.

"Knowing him and my father, he would most likely take her somewhere abandoned." Liam put out.

"The old abandoned woods mill?" I asked.

"No, Jared and James both hated it there when it was up and running. They would never go there." Ok scratch that.

"Wait a minuet, Liam. Where was the place you and Kate always went to when we were youger?" he thought a moment and it came to him.

"The abandoned warehouse!" I smiled and clicked the gun.

"Lock and load. We're out." we all ran out the door and pilled into the police vans. A K9 sat there and rested his head on my lap. Taking the chance, I pet between his ears and he licked my fingers. "We'll find them boy. We will." I patted his head and layed back awaiting the arival.

Katelyn's POV

"We'll get Harry here. He wants Katelyn, but he's not going to get her." Jared sneered as he walked closer. The hand cuffs to the wall restricted me from moving away as he came close to my face. "I will kill him. But I wont give you the pleasure of killing you." he smacked my face. It burned and I felt like I was going to die on the spot. "Give her medicine for her gunshot wound." he ordered.

Aaron ran over to me and instructed me to turn around. I did as told and he applied the gel. I screamed out because it was definitely stinging. "Shhh, it'll be alright. I'll get you out of here no matter what." he kissed my head and I closed my eyes. Please don't let this be a trick.

"My turn for the torture." I'd know that voice anywhere. James locked eyes with me. The scar on his face made him hideous to even look at. "I cant wait to go back to your mother and tell her I've killed you. She would be so happy."

"Not if shes the one dead." he stopped moving and hurt filled his eyes.

"She died?" for once I can hear the dad I used to have.

"Yes James, she did. I went to see her because I actually cared about her! Yes, I care about you, but you lost my trust. And thats something hard to earn from a girl whose been beat, kicked, punched, shot, and bullied every day of her life! You never understood me! I would come home and lie about my injuries because you never cared about a thing!" I full out cried. This is the most speaking I have done wih him in years. As he was about to speak, I cut him off. "I'm almost 19 years old James. Imagine beeing beat and brutally injured for 19 years straight!" he held his head low and I managed to stand up. He came closer and I took a step back until my back was against the wall. I closed my eyes and heard metal clink and my arms dropped. What happened next, startled the shiz outta me. He hugged me. I stood unsure of what to do but I actually hugged him back!

I haven't done this in a long time. It was a change and I liked it. "James! Get back to work!" Jared yelled. I looked James in the eye and he held a knife next to my face. What the hell?! His fist clenched around it and he threw it at Jared. My face went pale as it hit his heart. The same spot from the shooting. I closed my eyes and Jared hit the floor as his last breath was taken. Soon enough, James was on the ground unconscious.

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