Chapter 21

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Hey guys, back from my 'super long' 3 day vacation. I got a mouth full of fish water and a bruise on my thigh from a freaking turtle, and  I am partially sick. My voice is super deep.... maybe it's just the change in weather... While I was gone, my internet was not working and they were fixing it, so I just got internet back.

The lake house had no cell service, or wifi, so I spent my days outside on the boat and/or next to the bon fire with the dog.

Okay, well. Where were we?


Kate's POV

I woke up that morning feeling a huge pain in my stomach. I hoped up and ran to the bathroom. Sure enough, mother nature decided to visit me this week. A sigh escaped my lips as I realized I had no more pads or tampoms.

"Willow!" I called down the steps. Everyone was eating and staying quiet.

"Yeah?" she looked up and made her way towards me.

"Can you go to the store and, uhh, get me some, uh-"

"Feminine products?" she whispered. I nodded embarrassed and she chuckled grabbing my car keys and leaving for the store.

"What was all that about?" Luke asked.

"Shut up." I snapped. I must still be upset about yesterday, and possibly the mood swings are taking over.

"What's got you in a pissy mood?" Luke retorted.

"I'm pretty sure Willow already told you." I sat down across from the two boys and ate my food.

"What did you have Willow do?" Harry questioned. I looked up and gave him a wow-your'e-stupid look. Luke then whispered in his ear and Harry choked on his own words. "Sorry I mentioned it babe." he chuckled putting his dish in the sink.

"Get ready, the boys are coming over with the girls. Something urgent apparently." Luke sighed and walked off to his room.

Willow returned and I quickly put on a tampon and ran down the steps jumping the backside of the couch and plopping on the pillows. The boys turned their heads and I saw the concern in their eyes. "What happened now?" I straightened up and focused on Liam.

"So you remember when you used to cut?"


"Do you remember when the paparazzi found your thrown blade and made a big deal about it?"

"Yes Liam, this was four months ago."

"And in those four months, tension is higher. We've kept a low profile for quite a bit. The wedding is in less then a month and a half and the public is expecting pictures. Big time. No one has seen you outside of the house until yesterday. Our management is telling us we need to get out with you more." he looked me dead in the eye.

"Ok, how about we all go to the carnival on Friday?" I suggested.

"Thats actually not a bad idea! That might just get us in a place where we want to be." Niall spoke with a grin plastered on his face.

"Alright, is that it?" I asked hopefully.

"No..." I groaned and leaned back forcefully. "People got pictures of your fight with Dominic."

"And this affects me how? It wasn't physical by any means."

"Thats not what the public thinks. A red head, not sure of her name, was in the way of some photos and an interviewer is going to sum things up tommorow. Get her down here and we will get everything on track. I promise." Liam stood up and walked over to me embracing me into a hug.

"We'll be by your side the entire time Kate." Jessica smiled. I returned it as Liam sat down. It was a slight awkward silence until I broke it.

"Do you know why I wanted May 23rd for the wedding?" I suddenly blurted. They gave me a confused look. "Yaknow, the reason behind it?" No one spoke. "I chose it for several reasons. One, it was the day my mom and dad got married. Two, it was the day I was rescued from mom's grasp when she signed the papers off to Liam. And three, it was the day I got my best friend back." I fiddled with my fingers.

"That makes more sense now, I never actually thought about it until now." Liam chuckled. I smiled slighlty and stood up.

"I'll be outside taking a few calls." I partially lied. I am going outside to call Ariella, but that's not just it.

"Ok, holler if you need us." Harry answered then turned back to talk with the boys.

I walked over to the tree house and draped myself in my jacket before climbing up. As I entered, I flicked on the lights and saw the room was cleaner then before. A sigh escaped my lips as I fell on the bed. I quickly dialled Ariella's number and she picked up on the second ring. "Hey."

"Hey Ari, I need to ask a quick favor of you."


"Cn you come over to my house tomorrow morning? I'll explain everything when you get here."

"Oh yeah, of course I'll come. I'll talk to you tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow it is."

"Alright, bye boss."

"Bye Chi." I chuckled and hung up the phone.

Tomorrow is going to be a looooooong day.


"So we heard you got in a fight with Dominic Lucas, leader of the Animals. Is this so?"

Here we go.


Ok, so for this chapter, I'm going to try something slightly diffedent.... not by much!

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