Chapter 39

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Wattpad is being mean and deleted everything! So, i have to start over, again.

Ps. This is just a filler. Big chapter next!

Kate's POV

I sat watching as the girls got their dresses fitted. Tracy had a grey chaefaun strapless A-line dress with a black flower at the waist. The other brides maids had a carmel brownish chaefaun strapless sweet heart neck line with a cream yellow rose at the waist. They matched the colors and everything.

My phone buzzed in my lap and I took a quick look at it.

From : Willow Tree

To : Me

Hey, sry i couldnt b there. Damon and i r in America, but we wish you the best right now! Im still comin 2 the wedding, so dont take my place! Lol, ttyl mwah! cx

Aww, Willow.

I smiled down at the text. I miss her already. Her and Damon flew to California to spend the Summer after my graduation and they will be back soon I hope.


"Hmm, what?" I looked up to see Tracy holding her dress in the bag.

"We all payed. Do you want to meet up with the boys and go eat dinner?"

"Yeah, sure! Where to?"

"Niall suggested Nandos..." she rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Follow the leprechaun!" We walked out of the parlor and onto the streets. Nanods wasn't far so we walked after putting their dresses in the cars.

"So, how excited are you for the wedding?" Vicky took my hand and swung it around.

"Pretty nervous to tell the truth. I mean, my whole family and yours are going to be there, and I'm not ome for attention." I chuckled down at the now 15 year old.

"Well, mum wants to ask you something." She pushed me gently over to Anne.

"Uh, hey."

"Helloa darling."

"Vicky said you wanted to ask me something."

"Oh yes, well it's a long story."

"We've got time." I smiled at her warmly.

"Well, when Harry was a wee little sprout, his father left our family. Him and Harry were extremely close and nothig could break their bond. So, when I decided to marry Robbin, Harry absolutely hated him. I'm not sure if he ever told you how he would break dishes because Robbin came over."

"No, but he told me how much he wanted to break some stuff when he got mad." My heart is clutching its boundaries because of the paim I feel for Harry.

"Well, they once got into a drastic argument and Harry was 16, right before the X-Factor. Harry said he hoped Robbin would die and leave his life, and that's the last they ever saw each other. But I was wanting to know if Robbin could come to the wedding, he wants to repair his relationship with Harry."

"Of course he can!"

"Are you sure it wont be a burden?"

"No, it wont be at all. Family is kore important to me and I think Harry needs that father figure. I mean, he has the brotherly figure times four. It might mean something to him." I sighed happily and glanced at Anne.

"Thank you dear. This means a lot." She hugged my shoulders and kissed my head.

"No problem. Lets just keep this a secret from everyone else."


We finally made it to Nandos and sat at the table reserved for 13 people. I made my way between Harry and Niall and kissed Harry's cheek. "Hey." He grinned at me.


"Spanish, really?"


"Now we go to French. What's next? German?"

"Noin." I smirked and he tilted his head back in laughter.

"Nice one. Ok people, time to get our food on!" He raised his voice making us all stare at him.

"I dont know who you are anymore." Niall shook his head making everyone burst into fits of laughter. Harry's cheeks went a deep shade of red. I pinched them making him glare at me playfully.

"You're a brat."

"But I'm your brat." I giggled hysterically and hit his shoulder teasingly. "Love you."

"I love you too." He rolled his eyes and smirked.


"You know it."


Mmk, so this was a filler bc chaoter 40 is big, and I mean super big.


The wedding is in four chapters after 40, so 44. Be ready!



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