Chapter 31

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Sorry I haven't been on you guys! My internet wouldn't et me on because of the stupid weather, so now im on my computer and everything seems to be working fine now. :)

Kate's POV

*four years later*

"And now for our graduate of the year!"  My principal said. I got ancy because I knew it was me. I had this speech in the can. "Katelyn Payne everyone!" I stood up with the rising of my classmates and walked up to the podium. I instantly saw Luke in the front row.

"Hi everyone. Please, take a seat." I pause so they could get settled. "I came here as a run-of-the-mill kind of person. Quiet, shy. I never really spoke. In these four years, my life has changed, a lot. Most of you knew me as the girl who played Harry Styles. But that isn't it. The people I met my first day, were the people I've kept as friends these four years.

It may seem like I have it all, but you'd be wrong if you thought that. No one is perfect. No one is better then anyone else. And I've learned that the hard way." I took a pause as people erupted into applause. I looked into the crowd and froze as I met Harry's face, then Liam's. My eyes focused on Harry's.

"Someone once told me, that no matter how long you've known the person, you never actually know them. And I've never stopped believing in that. I've had troubles with girls at this school, like many other times. Like my mother used to always say, women that were mean at a young age, stay mean at the older age.

Never stop believing in yourself, because we are tomorrow's future. And the future, is us. Thank you." My classmates cheered along with their families. I went up and greeted Luke with a kiss.

"You did great out there!" Elizabeth squealed and smushed me into a hug.

"Thanks Liz!" I mimicked her over cheery voice.

"Excuse me." I broke out of the hug to reveal Harry. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." I sighed and followed him over to a table.

"Congratulations by the way." He spoke shyly.

"Look Harry. What we had four years ago, isn't the same anymore. Luke and I are moving to a ranch house in Orlando soon, and I wont have time to dilly dally and talk. I've finally made it to where I want to be, and I dont want to loose that." I sighed drastically.

"I understand Katelyn. I hope you two are happy together." He snapped and walked away. I sat at the table and rested my head in my hands. Someone then covered my eyes.

"Guess who." The irish voice I haven't heard in a whil spoke.

"Niall!" I zipped around and hugged the blond as tight as I could. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!" He smiled as he broke away. He has a tatoo...

"When did you get that?"

"When Alexis was born." He smiled at the handprint on his forearm.

"How is she? I haven't even met her yet!" I smiled. Niall didn't get married. No one knows except for the boys and I. Annie, his girlfriend and him have a two year old daughter named Alexis.

"She's good. Annie had to take her back to the hotel. She said sorry that she missed your speech." He frowned.

"Its cool. Are you guys coming to the barbecue at my aunt's tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Hey, I'll catch up wih you later, alright?"

"Yeah! See you." He walked off and Liam came over. "Hey." I smiled and hugged him.

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