Chapter 36

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Thank you to all my new followers and voters! I hope you enjoy!

HAPPY (be lated) HALLOWEEN!!!


Liam's POV

I slammed my Iphone onto the table. I'm pissed, and I sure hope Simon knows this. I will not cheat on Tracy, never in a million years. And if the tabloids say that I have, I will do everything in my power to change it.

"Liam? Are you alright?" My sister's calm voice spoke gently.

"No." I sighed rubbing my face.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I sat at the table, holding ym head in my hands. Katelyn wrapped her frail arms around me hugging me kindly.

"I know this is hard Liam. Especially since you love her more than anything. We will get through this together. I'm not going to let you fall, no matter what." She whispered hugging me tighter

"I know Kate. I'm just worried."

"Aren't we all?"

"Yeah. I guess so." I sighed drastically and stood up from where I was sitting. The boys went downstairs to discuss some shit and left me alone.

"So, what are the boys doing?"

"Holdinga top secret meeting without me." I rolled my eyes and went to their fridge. "Do you have any tequila?" I asked. I just want to forget tonigt right now.

"Liam? Are you ok? You hardly ever drink." Katelyn sounded worried.

"Just- ugh. Never mind, I'll find it myself." Grunting, I trudged down the steps and to the cooler.

"Liam? What the hell are you doing?" Zayn asked as I popped off a lid to a bottle.

"Trying to get drunk. What does it look like I'm doing?" I said in a duhh sort of tone. I chugged down half of the bottle letting the liquid burn my throat as it went down. "Now, if you have anything to say, shove it up my ass." I'm a light drinker, so I'm already drunk. Woo hoo.


Kate's POV

"Liam!" I grabbed the bottle from him and his eyes looked dreadful. He glared threateningly and swung his hand at my face. Before I knew it, glass shattered and my cheek burned from the contact of his hand. I froze. He did not just do that!

And then that's when I saw it. I finally see James in Liam. The short hair, tatoos, eyes. Just his whole face is a spitting image of James. I didn't realize it until now.

All my emotions locked. My senses turned off and I stared at the wall. I didn't move. I couldn't hear. Everything was like nothing.

I fell to my knees and everything started in slow motion. My worst nightmare happened. He next thing I know, eveything wwnt black.


*Unknown POV*

Ha! Just seeing how she didn't notice me at the restaurant gives me hope. We will see when my plans finally kick in.

The day before the wedding, I am going to shoot Harry. Kate will never know because she wont see him at all.

Everything is going perfect. I just need to lure her back to the restaurant, and maybe her brother too. Oooh! A doubled deal!

This may not be as hard after all.

I quickly grabbed my phone and texted my brother.

To : The Ass Whole

From : Me

The plan is all set! Just two more weeks until Styles is dead!

It took him a while to reply back. Hence why I call him an ass.

To : Me

From : The Ass Whole

Great! Swt swt revenge!


To : The Ass Whole

From : Me

Haha yes! Now all we need is to get Brendon in on it


To : Me

From : The Ass Whole

But of course! See you tonight at dinner, Jared.

Yes, of course, Aaron.


Sorry to keep you waiting! I was out until midnight last night with my bestfriend, her boyfriend and mine, so I wasn't given the chance to update.


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