Chapter 37

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Sooo. IM HAPPAY!!! Im going to be writting another fan fic with my best friend! Buh bruh, we need parts.

Sooo.... PM me for a role in the parts! *(everyone can join)*

Hehehe, buh back to the real story.


Kate's POV

My body shook recklessly. My eyes wouldn't budge open, and my limbs wouldn't move on my comand. "Kate! Kate please wake up!" A voice boomed through my ears. "What are you doing standing around? Someone call the bloddy ambulance!" An Irish voice maybe? Niall?

"Annie is on her way. Zayn just called them. Calm down Niall." Louis' sounded so quiet.

"Just- just hurry up!" Why is Niall acting so strange?

"They're on their way. Niall, come on. Take deep breaths." Louis cooed. Ambulance sirens were heard down the street. Feet came rushing down the stairs sooner than I thought. I was lifted lighlty and placed on a cousiony area. I guess I was brought up the stairs, because the sirens became louder and the men began to talk.

"Ok, we have to hurry. Her blood presure is dropping imensely." Wha-

"Stat! Get her fanily on the way, and whoever is closest to her, get them in here." A deeper voice sounded.

"Where is she?!" A voice only known as Liam.

"Sir, we need you to stay inside. You are drunk and we don't want to charge you with public intoxication." Oh riiiight.

"But shes my sister! Who the hell do you think you are!?" He yelled. I couldn't hear anything else because the ambulance already took off. A hand fell upon mine and a voice whispered in my ear.

"He's ok. Harry is in the car with Zayn and Louis behind us. I know you can hear me, and I know you can't reply." Niall kissed my cheek and left his lips lingering there. I felt a tear fall onto my neck. Is he crying?

My eyes suddenly felt light. They opened with ease and the first thing I saw was the doors of the ambulance with the stars on them. I blinked a couple of times and moved my head to face Niall. His eyes were closed and his head was layed against the wall of the van.

"N-Niall?" I stuttered. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Hey. How do you feel?" His hand came up and touched my forehead gently.

"Honestly, like shit." I mumbled. His laughter was quiet as he focused on my eyes.

"You don't look it." He smiled. Damn, those eyes. His face inched closer and my heart was beating. Why wasn't I pushing him away? His lips soon connected to mine. I never thought kissing my best friend, would end up like this.

Our lips moved in sync carefully. My hand rose to his cheek and he placed his hand on top of mine. He released the kiss and stared at me as our foreheads touched. "Why did you do that?"

"Harry and Louis aren't the only ones who have liked you." He smiled sheepishly and sat back down. He held my hand tightly when I winced in pain at the paramedics touch.

I can't believe I just cheated on Harry. In the pit of my stomach, a gut wrenching feeling sprouted. Guilt. That's exactly what it was. I closed my eyes as the guilt took over.

Soon, but not soon enough, we ended up at the hospital. "Come on hun, lets check if anything is broken." The nurse helped me stand up so we could go take X-rays of my leg. We made it to the room and I almost fell when I got onto the table. "Its ok, dont worry. Your fiancé is just outside. Harry. Oh shit. Here comes the guilt again.

As soon as she was finished and said nothing was broken, she took me back to my room. She said I should try and sleep so she turned off the lights. I was now alone, just thinking of all that has happened in the night so far. My head hurts from all the commotion thats going on either way.

I couldn't sleep, so I grabbed the TV remote and turned it on, but of course, Hollywood Uptown had to air.

"Welcome to this week's episode of Hollywood Uptown! I'm Elise, your host for tonight.

So these past 5 years, 5SOS has become extremely popular to the world of music. But, still holding their number one spot, One Direction will not be taken down.

Katelyn Payne, remember her? She dated the head singer of 5SOS, Luke Hemmings. The two childhood friends were very close, but not anymore. If you haven't seen the headlines, Luke and Katelyn are no more. But here's the thing, Harry Styles, is now Katelyn's fiancé yet again!

Rumor has it the two were found back together about 4 months ago during her college graduation party. Not sure if its true, but we come with our interview with Luke from yesterday evening.

'So, Luke. Tell us, are you and Kate still together?

No, we arent.

And why is that?

Well, let's say it was my fault. She broke up with me because I hurt her.

What did you do?

I dont want to say.'

There you have it folks. Those who shipped the two, I'm terribly sorry for you. I'm Elise Huffington. Now to Reggie White for our report on the royal baby."

I almost wanted to scream. I've dodged the paparazzi for 5 years now, and now they finally decide to take their toll? Fuck it. I layed my head back and finally settled on watching Pretty Little Liars.

The door opened and Harry came in holding flowers. "Hey baby." He smiled gently and placed the flowers on the bedside table. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Not just because I'm hurt.

"Aw, I wish I could do something." He touched his hand to my cheek and kissed my forehead. "Get some sleep. I'm right here if you need anything."


You know what? This has been like the 5th time I've been in the hospital, about the 8th time Hollywood Uptown included me, and 3rd time I've felt like shit near Harry. What is going on?


Eeeeeeek! Sorry for the lateish update!

Dont be mad, please dont be mad! Last night, I was out with my friends, and my 'ex' was there... yada yada yada. Let's just say... me and him have been back together for almost a month now... so yeah.

And if you think I've dated a lot of people, I haven't. Just him and one other. Trust me, I'm not like that.



What was your reaction to 'Ready to Run'?

My answer : almost died! Yass loved it!


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