Chapter 14

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Swell idea to make that a cliff hanger >:)

Shoutout to @lalasworlds for making the fantabulous cover for me! Thanks girl!

And shoutout to my amazing 100th follower! @Vickylovesethan

Back to the book.......


Zayn's POV

That son of a gun! He pushed me into the water! He knows I cant swim! I'll get him back for that. "Zayn, are you alright? You zoned out there for a moment." Liam looked worried.

"Yeh, I'm fine daddy Direction." I smirked. Now for revenge time. Yeh, I'm not much of a talker, but hey.

Kate's POV

Tears wers on the verge of falling. We were headed to the place I always hated the most. The bar. My mom and dad would always get drunk here and then come home and torture Vanessa and I.

"Hey, are you alright?" Demi asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just worried thats all." I sighed. My heart was pounding out of my chest. The thought of Harry abusing me makes my stomach churn.

We pulled up at exactly 1 am. I was helped out by Demi and we went straight in because well, we can. I stayed towards the entrance while Demi looked for Harry. I spotted him on the dance floor grinding with another woman. The tears finally fell. When Demi spotted him, hee jaw dropped and she looked at me. At this point, I was hobbling away and back to her car. "You son of a bitch Harry!" I heard Demi yell. I turned around to be met with his eyes. They were dark.

"Isss not mer fult Demli." he slurred.

"Yes it is Styles! We're taking you home and thats it with you!" I yelled getting into the car not caring about my back. I was full out crying. He stumbled into the back and Demi got in.


"Harry knock it off!" she yelled. I put my face in my hands and she started the engine.

As we pulled up, I got out and took Styles inside. Willow opened the door and called for Luke to help. "Kate, I'm so sorry," she sighed and hugged me.

"Just keep him inside. I'll deal with him tomorrow." I turned around and got back in Demi's car.


I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath, "Ready."


"Oh my god! Are you alright Katelyn?" Maia asked as I finished the story.

"Yeah, just pissed." I smiled sadly and felt claws in my legs. "Ow!" I screeched looking down at the puppy asleep on my lap. Sighing, I rested my head back and took in a sharp breath.

"Night guys." Katy said as she huddled into her sleeping bag. Soon everyone was asleep except me. I couldnt fall asleep because I keep thinking about Harry.


Tracy's POV

"Ok, so she said she wanted Mira and Titan to come. Ok so we need to make that decision." I stated.

"And we have to get presents for Louis' birthday tomorrow. I already have mine." Elle confirmed.

"So do we and the boys. I think Kate does, but I'm not sure." I contiued.

"What does a soon to be 22 year old boy want anyways? I mean, he has the mind of a child." Jessica laughed.

"Yeah, thats one true thing." I giggled. "We'll talk more tomorrow. See you guys." I left Elle's and Niall's house and drove back to mine and Liam's. I sighed as I walked in to see him passed out with wrapping paper and ribbon shards everywhere. "Li, come on, lets go to bed." I shook him and he stumbled up the steps flopping onto the bed. I got in next to him but I couldn't sleep at all.

My mind is racing. Willow told me Harry got drunk. God, I hope he doesn't do anything to Kate.


Kate's POV

I woke up. I guess I did fall asleep finally. I looked around and I was still on the couch and no one was asleep. No one was anywhere. As I got up, my beack felt 100 times better! Maybe I need to sleep on a couch more offten. I walked outside in my shorts and tank top taking in the sun.

"Oooooh, Louis! That must be so hard to do for eight months striaght!" I heard a flirty laugh. I turned my head and saw Selena, Ariana, and Maia flirting with Louis.

"Ahem. I'm right here." I blurted. They snapped their heads and their cheeks went bright red. "Ariana, you have a boyfriend, what the hell?" I asked with a 'wtf' look on my face.

"Please don't tell Jai about this! He'll kill me Kate!" she pleaded.

"Just this time." I warned. "Lou, what are you doing here?"

"Uh, Willow sent me to get you, seeing as though Harry was to, but well. Yeah." I rolled my eyes and went back inside packing my stuff away.

"Hey, I'll talk to you later yeah?" Katy asked as I picked up my bag.

"Yeah, I just need to calm stuff down and settle some shit in my family." I smiled weakly and gave her a hug as the others came in.

"Bye Kate!" they squished me into a group hug and I waved them off as I took Dragon in my hand and Louis took my bags.

"Bye guys." I smiled as I walked out the door and into Louis' car.

"So, how was the party?"

"The first few hours were so much fun. But then, yeah." I sighed not wanting to bring it up.

"Just, dont ignore him too much. You have wedding planning to do since yesterday was exactly 5 months away." He smiled keeping his eyes trained on the road.

"I just wish that I had an actual dad. A dad that wasn't dead. I want to walk down the isle with him, but he's not here. I dont want to with Liam because well, he's my brother. Wait, did you just change subjects on me?"

"Yes, now continue. Why dont you want Liam to walk you down?"

"Well, when we were younger and The X Factor wasn't even a thought, I would always joke around with Li and James about my future wedding. But you know what I said was extremely wierd?"


"You know I've known you and Harry for quite some time right?"


"I told them this in exact words. 'Someday I'll get married to Harry!' I cheered for that day to come and they laughed at me. I said we'd have a huge wedding and invite Mira and Auntie J and Uncle Burt. We'd invite everyone. I ran through all the details and the isle walking was one. I knew James wouldn't make it through to my wedding. I didn't want to pressure Liam into having to do it. I think I might just walk down by myself. Or, uh. Do you think you could do it?" I asked with a slight blush.

"Hey, anything for my best friend Kate." he chuckled parking the car. I didn't even realize we were here. "Dont sweat it, Harry should be sober. If not, lock him out and make him sleep on the couch." he waved off.

We walked in and to my surprise, it was clean. Too clean. "Willow, Luke, Harry? I'm h-home!" I stuttered yelling into the somewhat empty house like mansion.

"I'm not gonna leave until I know you're safe, k?" Louis whispered in my ear. I nodded in response and moved to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and gave one to Lou. He took lead and checked everywhere in the house. No one was anywhere. "Tree house." we nodded and ran outside. "Wait, your back."

"It feels a ton better. I just needed to sleep on a couch I guess." he just nodded and I climbed up the steps. I opened the wooden door and saw a nightmare. Or maybe a dream?


Sorry for the late update, I've been on vacation something fierce.

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see ya guys in a bit!


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