Chapter 15

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Kate's POV

What I thought was a tragic mess, was actually pretty sweet. There was a table set up in the middle. The couch pushed aside of course. On the floor, rose petals were scattered throughout. Dim lights were shining around the entire room. "Please, this way madame." Luke approached me wearing a suit and tie. I couldnt help but laugh. "Something wrong ma'am?" he smiled.

"Nope, not at all Lucas." I smirked.

"Willow will be right with you to get you changed." he bowed and left to the kitchen across the bridge.

"Miss Payne? Right this way." Louis started laughing and mouthed a bye as he left. Willow led me to a booth to change. "Mr. Styles has requested this. He wants to say he's sorry about last night." she  smiled and handed me a blue dress and closed the door.

"Ok, I'm ready, I guess." I chuckled. I walked out and there was no one there.

"Hello love." I averted my head in the way of the voice. 'Mr. Styles' was placing five chairs around the table.

"Hey. Why five?"

"We have guests." The bridge door opened and I saw three people very unfamiliar to me.

"Hi." I smiled politely.

"Katelyn, this is my mother Anne, and sisters Gemma and Vicky." he placed his hand on my back and I shook thier hands.

"Its great to finally put a face to Harry's description! I dont really get out much. I know you're a singer, but I've never seen your picture before." Anne sighed pulling me into a hug.

"Its nice to meet you." I smiled as we released the embrace.

"He has talked so much about you. All good things, good things." Gemma laughed hugging me as well.

"I've heard quite a bit about you too Gemma." I smiled back at her.

"And this is Vicky." Harry bit his lip.

"Hi, its nice to meet you." I warmly smiled.

"Likewise." she rolled her eyes.

"She'll get over it." Harry whispered.

"Over what?"

"Never mind." He directed us to the table and I was sat in between him and Gemma.

"So, tell us about yourself dear." Anne spoke breaking the almost awkward silence.

"Well, I'm a singer, but not as much as I'd like. I am a leader of a skating crew. I almost left after Harry proposed-" I was cut off by Vicky standing up and walking over to the deck. "I'll go talk to her." I insisted. I stood up and walked over to the glass doors opening them. She was sat in between a sliding pole, and the railing dangling her feet over the edge. "Hey-"

"If you're here to talk, I dont want to speak with you." I took in a sharp breath and sat next to her on the other side of the pole. "I told you I didn't want to speak to you." she snapped.

"Then tell me why you're upset. Please?" I looked at her. She looked at her figers she was playing with in her lap.

"Ever since Harry has found you after the incident with your family, he never calls anymore. He never visits. He was like my best friend. We'd do everything together and nothing apart. I guess, I just feel jealous of you. I mean, seriously. You're gorgeous. Perfect height, perfect hair, perfect everything. No wonder he has been ditching us. I just want to hang out with someone again. Yaknow, have fun again." a single tear drizzled down her cheek and she looked at me. Her eyes reminded me of Harry's.

"Hey, I would never do something like that. I didn't know that you two were so close. If I would've known, I would've made him go see you when he could. I guess part of it is my fault." I sighed breaking my gaze with her.

"What do you mean?"

"Way back when I knew him when we were very small, we kind of developed a relationship. And to be completely honest, you weren't a thought at the moment. But when you were born, he was the happiest I've ever seen him. He'd come to school with a huge smile on his face. Sometimes me and Liam would worry." I chuckled.

"He talked about me? He was only 10. Who talks about their little sister?"

"Harry. I also had friends that were using me. I was too dumb to realize it and I got the end. I was hurt extremely. You don't want to know, its not really a 10 year old situation. But he has been saving me from these disasters." I looked up and she had a smile on her face.

"He really does love you." she smiled and looked into the distance.

"Hey, want to be a junior bridesmaid?" her smile brightened and she hugged me.

"Yes!" I chuckled.

"We're burning daylight. Lets go finish lunch." We stood up and the other three were stumbling back to the table. I glared at Harry and he smirked. "So what did we miss?" I asked with a smug look on my face.

"Oh, nothing, nothing at all." Anne chuckled.

"As you all probably heard, I made a new best friend." I smiled down at the pre teen that was hugging me.


We finished lunch and decided to go out. "Can we go see your skate crew?" Gemma asked.

"Uh, sure. Let me go change." I quickly ran up to our bedroom and changed into a tank top and gym shorts adding my hightops with. I put my hair in a pony tail and grabbed my board. "Ready." I smiled skipping the last step.

"Preety and athletic. She's a keeper Hazz." I smiled and Anne's words.

"It's not far, so we can walk if thats cool with you." I suggested.

"Good thing we brought a change of shoes." Anne chuckled. The swapped out their shoes and we headed out the door. I took Harry's hand in mine as we lead the way to the park.

Gemma's POV

I couldn't help but watch Katelyn and Harry be happy. They were giggling like little kids and joking around. What Vicky said was true. What Katelyn said, even more so.

As we arrived at the park, there were a ton of cute guys. What am I saying?

One skated close and his eyes went wide. "Ay! Boss is here guys!" he yelled. Then the whole skate park came closer. They hugged her and she tugged me closer.

"Ok, I saw you making eyes with Damon." so that's his name. "Draco, this is Gemma. Harry's older sister. Don't have too much fun." she laughed and I bluched deeply. "This is my crew. We go by crew names, but you guys can call them their real names. This is Ariella. (Chichi)" She pointed to a beautiful red head with really preety brown eyes.

"Hey, nice to meet you Miss Styles." she greeted my mom.

"This is Amy (Silver Dollar) and Brook (BJ), my main gal." Amy is a good looking blonde. Brook is an amazingly pretty brunette with preety blue eyes.

"This is Lance (Skyfall), Mitch (Blubber), and Zuski (Zuski)." Lance is cute, but not like Draco, or Damon? Zuski, he is covered in tatoos Mitch, otherwise covered in piercings. I smiled at them and a smaller female, that I think is Willow (Breeze), stepped up.

"Hey Willow!" I smiled as she held her board in place.

"Well, show us what you got!" mom cheered.

"Zusk, Blubb, Skyfall. Hit ollies. Breeze, BJ, Silv, Chi, flips, and turns." they all skated away and I smiled at the brune who was taking charge.

I already lover her as a sister.


Fast, but long update.

Enjoy guys!

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