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*7 years later*

After only 7 years of being married, I lost him. My beloved husband, Harry Styles, died at 33.

I stared at the sky holding my youngest daughter, Darcy. She resemble Harry so much. Her green eyes, dark chocolate brown curls, and her dimples.

"If only daddy could see you." I sighed looking down at her precious face.

"Miss! Come in! You'll catch a cold!" My maid yelled from the door.

"I'll be in in just a minute Margaret!"

"Stubborn woman." She sighed. I smiled because Harry called me that when I wouldn't leave his side when he was in the hospital.


"Kate, you have to go."

"I wont leave you!" Tears streamed down my face.

"Listen to me. Cancer is nothing to be afraid of. This may be my last day, but I don't want you, or Elizabeth to be here when I take my last breath. I love you Katelyn, and I always will, but I want you to move on. Find someone who will keep you happy, even if I'm not here. I will protect you and our daughters with Vanessa." He started coughing and his heart rate was rising.

The doctor raced in wih nurses and started checking everything. My 6-year-old, Elizabeth, hid behind me. "His blood pressure is dropping fastly!" The doctor yelled. I held Harry's hand and stared him in the eyes.

"I love you too Styles."

"I love you most Mrs. Styles." And with those words, he took his last breath. The doctors stopped moving and I broke into tears. The door burst open revealing Niall.

"Its too late." I cried amd placed a kiss on Harry's head. "Rest in peace, my beloved." Nialls and Alexis, his daughter all grown up now, came closer. He hugged me while I cried into his arms.

*end of flashback*

"Babe, come on." I turned to face my boyfriend, hopefully approved by Harry, Niall.

Him and Annie broke up and he got full custody of Alexis. After Harry died, it kind of just happened. We were both lonely and we had feelings that were newly discovered a few weeks later.

The band broke up after Harry and I got married. Zayn and Perrie married two years later and had a son named Michael. We haven't spoken since their wedding.

Louis and Brook finally got married last year. And to no one's surprise, she is eight months pregnant with a healthy baby boy.

Liam and Tracy moved to Italy to persue Tracy's dream to become a professional fashion designer, that is after they settled down and got married. Tracy was practicallymy sister, and I'm always going to miss her no matter where she is. And Liam, lets just say the day they left for Italy, it was like I lost half of my heart. The other half died when Harry did, and it is slowly growing back.

Willow and Damon have yet to settle down. Its the normal on again off again relationship with him, and eventually we hope he will finally stop drinking and show her he's worth it.

My skating crew broke up after our last world championship and we went our seperate ways.

After I got married, Jared apparently never died, and he came back into my life as hell. He tried to kill Harry and Elizabeth, but in the end, he was put into an insane asylum.

Aaron and I became friends again and he got a girlfriend who is pregnant with another man's child....

Dominic and Malory got hitched and made their way to Australia.

My life is so different now, and it couldn't be better. I miss Harry more than anything, and I always will.

"I love you Harry." I whispered and turned my back walking inside to meet Niall's comforting face. "I love you too Niall."


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