Chapter 38

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So, I'm at school writing most of this, but you know how we type throughout the week, yaknow... so yeah.

Today (what day im writing in now) is tuesday, so if you havent read the update for Twolves, its up!



Katelyn's POV

My head felt terrible. It was pounding and wouldn't stop. "H-Harry?" I let out a weak voice.

"Yeah babe?" He got up and hovered over me. "Are you alright?"

"No. Can you get the doctor?"

"Yeah, yeah. Hold on." He rushed out and brought the doctor back quickly.

"Hello Katelyn. How are you feeling?"

"Horrible. My head is killing me."

"Here, take these." He handed me a pill and I took it with a glass of water. "If that doesn't work, you know where to find me." He smiled and walked off. I layed back on the pillow and looked outside. It had to be at least 4 in the morning.



"When am I able to go home?"

"In about an hour."

"Good." I sighed and the door opened once again. Niall, Lou, and Zayn came in with small smiles on their faces.

"It seems the hospital is a regular hangout nowadays?" Louis joked. I cracked and smile. All was silent until the TV got our attention.

"Hellp everyone! I'm Elise Huffington here for your Hollywood updates.

During the comercial, out field reporter found out that Katelyn Payne is in the hospital, yet again.

Yes she is Elise. And I found out why. Most of you know about her past ay? Well, Liam got drunk because of management and slapped Kate. Rumor says fear rose in her eye. And from our view, it looked like Liam looked like James. Kate then passed out and now she lies in a hospital bed.

Wow, Raymond. This is serious! I hope the poor girl is ok!" Sure you do.

"Katelyn, if you're watching, we hope you feel better soon." The show ended and I let out a huge groan. This is the reason I hate being known. Everyone knows what, or where you are. It's so annoying.

"Don't let them get to you. I know they know what happened, but we have to ignore the public media for a while until this dies down." Zayn spoke.

"I know, I'm just so annoyed."

"I know."

We sat in an uncomfortable silence. Finally, breaking the silence, the door opened and a nurse came in. "Hey hun, you are aloud to go home now."

"Thank you," I smiled and stood up, already dressed. I grabbed the water bottle and chugged it down before tossing it. "Lets go." I grabbed Niall's and Harry's hands pulling them to Zayn's car. He took us back to Harry's house where I faced my brother passed out on the couch. Hmpf.

"We'll see you later Kate. Oh wait, Annie wants to know if you want to go to the mall with her tomorrow, you know, for wedding shopping." Niall rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure." I smirked and punched his shoulder. "See you boys!" They left the mansion and I stared at Liam. Sighing, I took a blanket and covered him with it. "Night Li." I whispered and joined Harry in our room.

"I'm tired."

"Then sleep." I laughed at him.

"But I can't sleep without you!" He whined.

"Fine," I sighed and collapsed into his arms.

"I love you, you know that?"

"Yeah. I do." And I'm glad I do.


The next morning, I quickly got up and took a shower. I got ready to go with Annie for wedding shopping. I left Harry a note and headed out taking my car.

When I arrived at the cafe Annie and I were meeting at, she already had a table. She was joined by Tracy, Perrie, Brook, and three other girls. As I came closer, I smiled brighter. Gemma, Vicky, and Anne were there as well.

"Well this is some surprise Annie." I laughed and hugged all of them.

"Well, I thought it would help to get them out here. After all, the wedding is in four months."

"I know, I know. I'm just so nervous." I looked up from my seat and they all had warm smiles.

"If its anything that involves you, we'll be here dear." Anne smiled and patted my hand that rested on the table.

"Thanks Anne."

"Please, call me mum. If you want." She blushed. My eyes widened, but my smile was wider.

"Thanks mum."


Well, I had to throw the last few sentences in! It made me smile! How bout yall?



Sorry for making yall wait so long. I went out with my boyfriend and friends last night.

Hope you liked!


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