Chapter 22

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I dont know about you, but I'm feeling 22! (HINT)



Kate's POV

"It wasn't physical by any means, Sam. The only corruption was when Malory threw my dress into mud. As in, my wedding dress." gasps filled the auditorium and I nodded and looked at Dominic and his crew in the front row. His eyes were a thin line of hatred. Malory was staring at me in disbelief. Her face is bruised up, she probably got beat by Dominic. I will do something about it tomorrow.

"How do we know?"

"My friend Ariella, or Chichi was the one standing next to me disobeying what I said to keep her safe. But she saw the whole thing." Ariella stepped onto the stage and explained her side.


"Well folks, it is safe to say Katelyn is not a physical fighter. Not that she ever was.... Anywho! Thanks for coming out today! It was great to see you again!" he smiled a fake smile and I rushed off of stage and into Harry's arms.

"I want to go home." I whined and burried my head into his chest.

"We're headed home. You can't sleep though. Its only 3 in the afternoon." he chuckled kissing my head.

"I can sleep if I want." I snapped wiggling out of his embrace and stepping outside into the crisp March air.

"And there go the mood swings." I heard Louis chuckle. I flipped him off quickly and got into the van.

"Hey, Kate. Do you want to go out tonight, sister to sister?" Tracy asked changing subject.

"Sure. What time?"

"How bout seven?"

"Yeah sure, I'll be at my house, can you pick me up, or should I drive?"

"I'll pick you up. Its a surprise where we are going." she giggled

"You know I hate surprises," I sighed and chuckled bringing my hair between my fingers and playing with it.

"I know, but you will like this surprise." she sounded unsure of herself. I nodded my head and leaned against the seat.


Later that night, I took a shower washing away the stressful pain. "Kate! Tracy is here!" Willow called from down the steps. I walked down in boot cut jeans, a long sleeved t shirt, and my black flats. I grabbed my purse and trudged out into the cool weather and into Tracy's car.

"Hey." she smiled.

"Hey." I let out with a sigh. "So where are we headed?"

"We are headed to a club. So go change." she ushered me out and back into my house. I ran up the steps and looked in my closet.

"If you're looking for a club outfit, go with this." Willow startled me by pulling out a black cocktail dress. I slipped it on and opened the door for her to see it. "Woah! Don't let Harry see you, he might not let you leave." she wiggled her eyes brows and I gave her a playful glare.

"Okay Tracy, I'm ready." I called as I reached the bottom step.

"Holy hell Katelyn! You look incredible! We're just going to a club, god. Do you have to one up me?" we laughed.

"Where are the boys?"

"I'm not sure." she answered.

"Alright, well. Let's go if we're going." I grabbed my purse again and we headed back to her car. On the way, we listened to the boys' music. "They have changed so much in four years." I fake cried. Ok, now I'm turning into Louis. I mentally slapped myself for that.

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