Chapter 35

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Ily! Ily! Ily! Hmm, now I want food...


im headed out with friends tonight, looking fab as I do! Jk jk

But here you go guys!



Kate's POV

Aaron stood in front of me, dressed in a tux, being a waiter to this restaurant. "What are you doing here?" He asked sharply, never breaking eye contact.

"Checking out what destroyed my park." I crossed my arms and leaned on one leg.

"Actually, your park was moved somewhere bigger, and you now own this restaurant, if you haven't already noticed." He grinned. What?

"What do you mean?"

"The city asked permission by your lady you put in charge to build a restaurant here in your honor. Since she accepted, they got a bigger rink, just on the outskirts of town."

"Woah." A silence sprung between us. "So you got out of jail?"

"Yeah, uh, my dad bailed me out last month. Look, I didn't mean to, I was on this drug and-"

"Aaron! Quit flirting a-" a man approached. "Miss Payne. What a pleasant surprise! Please, follow me." I nodded at the rounded man and sat at a booth where he placed me.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled as he handed me a menu.

"No, thank you for coming tonight." He winked and left.

Jeez. I didn't want anything to eat, but now that I think about it, I'm starving.


Aaron's POV

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I saw the female I regretted to see.

"Aaron, you ok?" Marcia, my co worker, asked me.

"Yeah, just fine." I walked away and over to her table. "Hey Kate. I will be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"No need to be so formal." She laughed. I leaned against the table and looked her in the eye.

"My boss is watching, and he respects you a hell of a lot, so I kind of have to." I smiled and straightened up.

"Ok then." She rolled her eyes. "I'll have a coke." Her smile. Damn.

"Coming up." I walked into the kitchen and everyone stared at me, jaws dropped.

"How can you easily talk to her like it's no big deal?" A kitchen member spoke up.

"I've known her for a while." I shrugged and made my way to the fountain drinks.

"Aaron, do you realize you've just become super popular now?"

"What does popularity have to do with anything?" I snapped. I hate it, I'm used as this unforsaken man.

"Well, uh-"

"Exactly, now if you'll excuse me."


Kate's POV

Why is he out of jail?! He almost killed me! He kidnapped me for fucks sake! I might not survive tonight.

"Here is your coke. Are you ready to order?" He came back smiling.

"Um, I'm not really hungry. Can I get this to go?"

"Yeah, of course." He frowned slightly but came back with a soda to go. "I'll see you around?"

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