Chapter 16

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Sorry about the delay, lately I've been knee deep in mud. Please, dont ask. :p

today is a big day! 1 month of this book! its okay to cry.





Kate's POV

"Hey Kate, I was wondering if you could teach me a thing or two?" Vicky asked with a smile on her face.

"I'm not sure. Ask Anne." I smirked. She tur ed around and squealed as Anne nodded. "Alright, first things first, keep your feet placed at all times. Of course that is when you're staying on the board. Watch." I slid my foot across the ground and went down the slope reaching the other end and sliding right back.

"That looks hard."

"Easy for you to say." Willow chuckled doing exactly what I did.

"Ok, I'm ready."

"Eh eh eh, lets go on a smaller de cline." ws walked over to a smaller rink and she got positioned. I gave her a light push and she slid down making her way up and stopping at the top. "Great job!" I smiled as she jogged across and back over to us.

"Katelyn, can I talk to you?" Anne asked politely.

I gulped, "Sure." I walked with her to a bench and sat next to her.

"Thank you." she cried hugging me.

"For what?"

"Making him not seem like a player to the media. Because he really isn't. Paparazzi were trying to bring his career down. And as a mother, no one wants that to happen to their kid.

I see how he looks at you. It's a look I've never seen. And 16 years of handling him, you'd think I'd know everything. But its not what it seems.

The way he looks at you makes me smile, and thats all he wanted as a kid, was to make everyone happy. The boys, their fans, his family. Most importantly, you Katelyn. I know that you don't have parents anymore, but I want you to know, anything you need, I'm right here. Open to talk whenever. Or if you even want to hear embarrassing stories about him. They'd definitely be a charm at the wedding.

I know it's hard not to see someone you love for so long. It's a challenge I know. How do you think I cope when he's not home?" she chuckled. "But please, no matter how stupid that boy can get, or how insane he can drive you, just know, you're most of his heart, and that's something a mother finds hard to tell her son's lover. But I feel like you deserve him more than anyone on Earth." she kissed my head and pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks Anne. That means a lot." I smiled kissing her cheek.

"We got to go do some wedding planning." she smiled pulling me up.

"Yep, we do." we gathered up the family and walked back to our house. Tracy, Elle, and Jessica were already there holding streamers and ribbons.

"Lets get this party started!"

"What party?"

"Louis', duh." Elle giggled thowing streamers all over the place.

"Louis' birthday? Hmmm, I should of known." Gemma laughed.

"I got balloons!" I cheered blowing them up with helium.


"In the fridge!" Tracy called out.

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