Chapter 26

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OKAY, I just woke up from my slumber about 12 hours ago (ironic right?).... Ok, now I sound old. But as I was saying, I woke up and now I am doing a double update! Yay! Go crazy! At the end of this chapter, I will explain some stuff and kind of retaliate last night...

Ok, here we go.


Katelyn's POV

"Welcome to Florida, United States everyone. We hope you enjoyed your flight, and we hope you fly with us again." I was awaken by the intercom. I looked over at Luke who was getting Dragon situated.

"You better call Niall and Liam. Don't want them waiting." Luke suggested. I rolled my eyes but got out my phone either way.

"Kate?" Niall sounded tired. I forgot about the stupid time difference.

"Yeah. Sorry to wake you. We just landed, and I wanted to tell you I'm alright and we're fine."

"That's good. But uh, have you gotten a text or anything from Harry?" Niall sounded worried.

"No, why?"

"No one has heard from him since the interview."

"Oh." Was all I got out.

"Yeah. Well I'm glad you three are alright. I'll talk to you later alright?"

"Yeah, bye Ni."


"What Niall say?"

"Just that Harry hasn't been heard from since the interview and he's glad we're safe." I took the leash from Luke's hand and walked off the plane to collect our luggage.

"Are you excited for college?" Luke asked with a goofy smirk.

"Yeah, I guess. I just dont want any more drama you know?" He nodded his head. As I saw my bag, my phone went off. "Can you grab my bag, I need to take this." I said as I looked at my phone.


"Katelyn? Are you ok? Did you land?" Liam's concerned voice spoke through the receiver.

"Yes Liam, so far no paps, so I'm glad for that." I smiled as he sighed in relief.

"Call me as soon as you get to aunt Jane's ok?"

"Yes Li."

"Good, I'll talk to you later."



"Bye Li."

"So, what did overprotective big brother say." Luke smirked.

"Nothing of the unordinary." I chuckled and took my bag from him. Quickly, as soon as we hit the outside air, paparazzi showed up everywhere. Lights flashed, people pushed.

"Katelyn! Is it true you and Harry are no longer even friends?" One of the reporters asked.

"How stupid can you get? We broke up, you seriously think we're going to still ne friends?" I scoffed and hopped inyo the taxi Luke called for. We got in and I rested my head against the window.

"I bet aunt Jane and uncle Burt will be happy to see you." His thick accent filled the empty space.

"Yeah." I took in a sharp breath. "What does this mean?" I blurted.


"What does all of this mean? Is my life starting over again? Am I just taking a break in my hell hole?" I clenhed my fists.

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