Chapter 20

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okay guys, school starts really soon, so updates will be less frequent. There will still be updates, just in a longer period of time. Dont worry, be happay! lol

I aslso go on the other vacation tomorrow...


Kate's POV

I charged into the building I got my dress in and walked up to the front desk. "Miss Payne, whats wrong? You look like you've been crying." Kara soothed.

"Animals is all I can tell you." I sighed and brushed a hand through my hair.

"Animals? Dominic and Malory?" she questioned.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I shot my head up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Um, Dominic is my little brother. He said he was your friend and was going to hold it and keep it safe for you." she gestured at the falling dress in my arms.

I wiped my eyes with the sleve of my hoodie and looked up. "I need to find another dress." I choked on my words.

"No you dont."

"What do you mean?"

"I've never been too keen about my brother, so I had a call made out and I got you the same dress. No charge because yours was ruined. We'll make sure no one gets their hands on it. So I'll see you May 23rd?"

"Thank you so much Kara! And I'll take you up on that." I gave her the soiled dress and walked out. My boots crunched on the grass as I walked back to my car I got from my mother. "I bet you had something to do with helping. Thanks mom." I looked up at the sky and quickly got in my car. The next place I went to surprised me more then anything. I went to the cemetery.

My dad and Vanessa are burried together. When we all lived in England, was when Vanessa passed.

I carefully walked over to the veterans area and kneeled down next to them.

James Payne

1960 - 2014

'Veteran of 7 years'

I smiled down at him and ran my hand over the engravings. "Hey James. I know I'm not good at this stuff. I never have been. I just hope your ok up there. Don't be causing any trouble for Vanessa. After all she's still only eight." I chuckled patting the dirt away. "Stay out of trouble yourself. Tell mom I said hey. I miss you dad." I stiffled a single laugh as I leaned over next to Vanessa.

Vanessa Payne

2002 - 2010

'Veterans daughter'

"Hey sissy. Like I said to dad, I'm not good with this kind of thing. If you watch me, you probably know that I'm getting married to Harry Styles. He's Li's best mate. I know you would approve of him just by signals I've seen. Like when I was down in Florida for mom's funeral, I saw an H in the grass where we would always sit during summer. I knew there was something right in my life at least.

I can't believe it has been four years with out you here. When I was seven, you were in mom's tummy and dad was at war. I remember the day you came home from the hospital vaguely. You were a tiny one." I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. "And seven years later, a few days after your eighth birthday, dad came home and you finally met him. Not too long after, Liam was gone off to the X-Factor and Nicola and Ruth were moving out. A month later after they finally moved out, you passed away. It feels like just yesterday we were watching movies hiding from mom as she got home drunk.

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