4 years!

125 14 5

So today is a very special day for all of us Directioners!

July 23rd

Anniversary of One Direction.

4 years of music, 4 years of love, 4 years of laughter, and so on.

Zayn made us a promise 4 years ago. "This is not the last of One Direction." And he kept that promise to all of us.

Over these few years, I have made so many new friends, and more to come. I have a few friends in India, Brazil, Europe, etc. They have made such an impact on my life, that theres no turning back.

The only thing that makes me sad is this. "The boys shot a music video for Forever Young, but they aren't releasing it until the day the break up." Who knows when this is ever going to happen? It may happen soon, or later in life.

I remember watching the video diaries and seeing them on the steps. When Lou wore suspenders. Liam had longer hair. Zayn had no tatoos. Harry didn't wear super tight tight jeans. Niall had his hair flat.

Fetus. Damn fetus is back! In the future, what we see now will be fetus! Just imagine that.

Now I don't want to be too sappy here.

But who all remembers the day when WMYB came out? Listening to a 2010 song in 2014 voices, definitely kills me.

This made me cry. Please, dont cry like I did. :


Lou Bear : Do you hear that?

Louis : What? The screams?

Li Li : Yeah, what is that?

Liam : Our fans.

DJ Malik : Our fans?

Zayn : The Directioners.

Hazza : What are they doing?

Harry : Helping make our dream come true.

Nialler : We made it?

Niall : We made it.



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