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Back on the Argo II, Piper felt safe after a while. She almost said, "Finally, safe."

She pinched herself before it could slip out.

Once, Piper had made the mistake of saying, "we're safe," and as soon as she said it, an arrow 

almost killed her.

Piper adjusted the pegasus-stuffed down pillows and tried to sleep. Gazing out at the night stars, she thought about the story about Bob and Damansen Percy told her. 

She never thought it was fair that they died for them, and she hoped they will get Elysium or be reborn.

Tears came to her eyes as she imagined a titan being killed, and a giant being crushed by his own father. It reminded her of her own father, Tristian McLean, a popular and confident actor. Piper had erased all memory of him remembering that he had a demigod child.

A loud bang came from the back of the Argo II, where Jason's bunk was. There was a cry of pain.  Immediately, she was on her feet. 

"Jason?" she cried, as she plunged into the hall. Leo must have heard it too because the lights flickered on and Leo came barrelling down the hall wearing his magic tool belt. 

"Jason!" Leo yelled, charging past Piper and waving a wrench. 

The 2 burst into Jason's room, where Jason was lying on the ground, his arm bleeding. His eyes were wild, and he was breathing shortly.

A huge gash on his arm dripped onto the floor. He lay in his own pool of blood.

"Oh, gods of Olympus! Ambrosia, quickly," Piper screamed, trying to stop the blood. 

Panic filled her body from her toes to her head, but she managed to calm her breathing enough to concentrate.

"Found some!" Leo cried, tossing a square to Piper. She grabbed it and put it in Jason's mouth. He swallowed and gasped. 

His breathing seemed to steady a bit and the blood had stopped. 

Annabeth and Percy burst into the room. Percy covered his mouth and ran to help. 

Annabeth let loose a whimper and grabbed some bandages. She shouldered her way in front of Piper and wrapped his arm up.

"Gods of Olympus!" Annabeth said, "Jason, what happened?"

Piper reached out for his hand, but she never felt the familiar feeling of her hand slipping in his warm one.

Piper and Annabeth stepped backward, and Percy tensed. Leo was standing in the doorway, unmoving, staring at Jason in fear.

Jason stood, the cut disappearing, fading. His eyes flashed into a pure, undying gold.

"Foolish demigods," he said, but in Gaea's voice, "You will never beat me. Turn now, and you may walk away alive."

"Never," Leo snarled, "and get out of my lightning man's body, sludge face."

"Leo Valdez," Gaea said, turning towards him, "How amusing."

Piper made the mistake of looking into Gaea's eyes.

Her vision darkened as she plunged into the thoughts of Gaea.

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