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"Milady?" Thalia said, approaching Artemis.

"Yes, Thalia?" Artemis said, plucking her bowstring.

Thalia gulped, pushing aside her black hair. She picked nervously at her shirt, which said: Punk is not dead. You are. "Orion."

Artemis stood, her eyes flashing with anger. "Impossible!"

Thalia looked down, "he killed..."

Artemis blinked back tears, "where are they?"

Thalia led Artemis to the main campus, where 2 dead bodies lay.

"Oh, Beth and Aurora," Artemis sobbed, "how could I let this happen?"

"Because you don't care about your hunters." said a voice.

Thalia turned, she reached behind her and nocked an arrow. 

Orion emerged from the shadows, and a horde of girls raced over.

"Amazons," Orion hissed, "go away."

Orion thrust his hand out to Artemis, and she screamed in pain. Unfortunately, she disappeared on the spot.

A girl, in her 20s, stepped up. Thalia presumed she was Hylla, queen of Amazons. She unsheathed a dagger, made of Celestial Bronze. The golden belt on her waist was made of locked chains. It glowed as in transferred her energy.

"Not until Lady Artemis or Lord Ares says no," Hylla said. Thalia's heart pounded in envy, she wished she could be that confident. But she had a job to do.

"A giant can be killed by a demigod and a god working together," said a girl. Her hair was tied in a perfect bun and she seemed to be an Amazon. She had twin blades in her hands. They caught the sunlight and flashed, forcing Thalia to look away.

Orion rolled his eyes. Thalia stared at him because she hadn't expected him to look like that. He looked like... well, a handsome mortal. 

"I don't think that's happening, Kinzie," Orion hissed.

A hunter called Pearl lost it, she and Isabelle-a hunter- attacked. 

Pearl unsheathed her sword and blocked 2 oversized black arrows coming her way. She lunged at Orion and Isabelle unleashed a hail of arrows. 

Orion intercepted both attacks with his bow. 

He kicked Pearl in the gut and send her crashing into a tree. 

"Renny, Chloe, and Cassy help Pearl!" Thalia ordered.

Renny, a fast girl with blond hair raced to help first. Then Cassy snapped out of her shock. She tied her black hair and charged. Chloe followed behind, as she was strong, but not fast.

"Molly, Lucy, and Corrine, to my side!" Hylla commanded. 

A girl with curly red hair and green eyes brought out a sword. Lucy and Corrine, twins, locked shields and followed. The bows on their backs were within reach. 

Hylla looked at Thalia, and Thalia realized all the Hunters were behind her, waiting for orders. All their bows were nocked, and the stygian iron gleamed on their arrows.

Thalia toucher her bow with Hylla's sword. Together they leaped.

Thalia released some arrows. One pierced the gear, making the arrow snap with pressure. Thalia ducked down to the ground as Orion attempted to punch her. 

Hylla and the 3 girls advanced on Orion and slashed. They hacked as much as they could, but Orion was putting up against both.

The Hunter's were shooting so much, it seemed to be hailing silver arrows. Only 1% hit Orion,

Thalia had to admit, his skills weren't bad. But they were losing.

Suddenly, a loud blaring sound filled the air, making everyone freeze.

A large ship appeared overhead, and a young man jumped down.

He carried a bronze sword leaf-shaped at the top. His black hair was swept over on his forehead. His sea-green eyes bored into Orion. 

Percy Jackson had arrived.


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