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Flying isn't as fun as you think it is. Especially when you need to help your girlfriend fly.

Jason, as a son of Jupiter, was born with the ability to fly. Jupiter was the Roman form of Zeus.

"I'm going in the water," he told Piper.

Piper was a daughter of Aphrodite, so she was irresistibly beautiful. She had the power of charmspeak, so she could convince people into doing things.

Her father was Tristian McLean, a famous actor.

"What?" she asked.

"See you," Jason dove into the water.

He'd never tried swimming before, and he didn't want to. He summoned some air and dove into the water.

Quicker than ever, he was grabbed by a tentacle and raised out of the sea. He then did the most stupid thing ever.

He dropped his sword.

"Great!" he yelled.

Annabeth and a dragon came soaring in. A tentacle, faster than lightning knocked Frank out of the air. Frank flew away back to the Argo II, too damaged to do anymore.

Annabeth was left free-falling, falling to the water, 10 stories high.

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