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Shoutout to: LizzyThea3953

"Percy, get up!" Percy opened his eyes to see a 16 year old girl with brown hair pulling at his arm. She wore a band of Artemis's approval.


"My name is Cynthia." she spoke urgently, but Percy could tell by her voice that she was a daughter of Aphrodite.

"No, the gods have given up on us." Percy lay back down, but Cynthia clasped her hand around his wrist. 

"Annabeth needs you." 

"Annabeth!" Percy shot straight up. "Where is she?"

"She's over there." Cynthia pointed to a figure lying on the ground. Another figure was beside her, struggling to preform some sort of magic. As Percy began to get to his feet, he eyed the other boy, who seemed about only 8 years old.

"That's Alexander." Cynthia explained. Percy swept his gaze around Camp Half-Blood. Bodies littered the clearing, but no giants were there. Percy descended on Annabeth, shaking her, trying to wake her up.

The small boy finally conjured some magic, and used it to try and heal Annabeth. "There, she should be concious now." 

As if on cue, Annabeth groaned and opened her eyes. Percy burst into the tears of happiness and clasped her face in his hands. "Don't leave me."

"I won't..." Annabeth tried to sit up. "My head hurts."

"She got a concussion," Alexander explained. Percy turned to look at the young boy. 

"Thank you," he took Alexander's hand. 

Alexander smiled a little bit, then his smile turned back into a frown. He did seem a little to young to be experiencing this. "The other girls-Hazel and Piper, a horse man took them."

"Chiron." Annabeth guessed. "What about Frank, Leo, and Jason?"

"the god took Frank and Leo.  Jason is... no where to be found." Cynthia sighed. 

"Can you bring us to Camp Half-Blood?" Annabeth asked, cluthcing her head but with her other hand accepting Percy's. She got up.

"Of course!" Alexander grinned. He quickly got up and helped Annabeth up too. He waved his hands in the air and a small opening formed in front of them. "Come!" Alexander quickly leaped through the small Mist Portal, and as Percy grasped Annabeth and leaped through with her, he froze, paralyzed with shock at the sight before him. 

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