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Piper's dream moved quickly so she tried to concentrate.

She was at Camp Half-Blood, and Clarisse was pounding her fist on the ping-pong table.

"-What do you say, Chiron?"

The Centaur frowned, "I agree."

Travis crumbled up his chip bag and threw it into the garbage, "The question is, what does Rachel think?"

The Delphic of Oracle frowned nervously as all eyes turned to her, "Well, if you want the prophecy now..."

Her eyes suddenly glowed green, and she spoke in a raspy voice.

12 demigods plunge alone, 

through the darkness, straight to home.

Battle each other, for the throne.

Words leave mouth, to end with a groan.

Rachel blinked, and the green mist disappeared. Her eyes turned back to normal.

For a couple seconds, everyone was silent, then arguing broke out.

Piper's dream shifted.

Gaea stood at the top of Half-Blood Hill. 

Her pure green eyes represented power and cruelty. 

Only my brethren shall walk the earth! Children, Attack!

Gaea's voice was so powerful, it knocked some demigods off their feet. A wave of dirt and mud smashed into them, and when it cleared, their bodies were gone.

The giants lept into battle and crushed the lives of demigods, fighting to protect their only home. 

Piper suddenly bolted up and banged into something hard.

"Ouch!" Jason exclaimed, "Hey! You're better!"

"I need a meeting in the Mess Hall," Piper said, getting out of bed, ignoring the sudden pain that was making her head spin.

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