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Piper opened the door of his room, which startled him. "Oh, hi."

"Come," Piper said. Frank heaved himself up and silently followed Piper. He realized that everyone was standing there, and Piper silently slipped in among the group.

Frank looked around and saw Hylla, who was the leader of the Amazons. Hylla looked so much like Reyna, that he almost called her Reyna.

"Rey-Hylla," Frank said, "where are Leo and Percy?"

Annabeth's eyes looked wild with fear and anger, "Thalia and Percy are captured."

Hazel gasped, her golden eyes wide with shock, "But a boy and girl's blood! If they meet and touch the ancient stones, then..."

"Gaea shall wake," Annabeth said, her tone gravely, "but they are at Acropolis, they must be. As the earth is strong there, I need all the help I can get to get this ship movin' and going."

"Frank and Jason," she ordered, "you two keep the lookout and help the Argo achieve flight from time to time. Frank, also, if we get stuck in water, it's up to you."

Frank felt his chest swelling with pride, when Percy was gone, they came to him for water tasks. Percy could summon hurricanes, control water, and talk to water animals, but Frank could change shape to anything within reason.

"Hazel," Annabeth said, thinking, "you make sure the metals aren't breaking, also summon some more tough stones to keep this ship together."

Hazel nodded, "and what about Nico?"

"Nico, make sure no one is on the verge of dying and...try to summon skeleton troops as armies."

"Hylla," Annabeth said, finally turning to the Amazon Queen, "I read in a book children of Bellona can impart strength to each other, can you?"

Hylla shrugged, "my sister can, so I should be able to."

"What about me?" Piper said, stepping out again. Annabeth thought for a deep, long moment. The longer she thought, the more frustrated Piper got. Frank assumed she thought that Annabeth thought she was useless.

"Hm, I was thinking, remember how you got Festus to wake up?" Annabeth said.

"Yes, so..."

"you could do the same for the entire Argo to keep it going," Annabeth said.

"Everyone!" Hylla yelled, "to your tasks!" 

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