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Leo's voice boomed in the loud-speaker, shaking Hazel awake.

"Morning, peeps!" He said, "Piper's back! And, uh, we need a meeting in the mess hall, according to Jason."

Hazel sighed, Typical Leo would be pulling a prank.

She pulled herself out of her bed and went to go wake Nico.

Nico Di Angelo was a son of Hades pulled out of time. He suffered a lot and became more grown up when his sister, Bianca died.

Percy said he used to like Mythomagic and was a cheery young kid. 

She pushed open his door, "Nico?"

She saw Nico sleeping on a pillow with his black hair all messed up. His face was so angelic, he could've been a regular kid.

She walked over and shook him, "Nico, we need to go to the Mess Hall."

Nico bolted up, his eye's alert and scared. When they returned to normal, he grabbed Hazel's arm. 

"I need to speak with Annabeth and Piper," he said.

"Mess Hall meeting is your chance," Hazel told him, evidentially confused.

"Meet me there," he told her, "I need to change."

Hazel walked back up the steps, her hands in her pocket. She pushed open the room and everyone was already gathered there.

Percy was munching on a blue cupcake, and Annabeth was chiding him for eating to much sugar and blue.

Jason was shaking his head, and Piper was comforting him about something. She kept glancing around.

Frank was sitting at the back of the room, staring at the pictures on the wall. Leo had charmed them so they only showed what was happening at Camp Half-Blood. 

She stared at Frank in awe. Ever since fighting Alycounes in Alaska with Frank, she had a desire to stick with him. 

Hazel walked over to Frank, "hey."

"Hey Hazel, " he said, standing so she could sit, "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Hazel said, sitting down, "Camp Half-Blood is pretty cool, huh?"

Frank gazed at the pictures again, "they aren't as protected and they don't have good bases. But, they have more demigods than Camp Jupiter and they fight more enthusiastically."

Hazel secretly agreed with him. Even since Camp Jupiter was her home, she always felt like Romans weren't as enthusiastic as Greeks about fighting. Romans didn't do games and war practicing that much, but Greeks seemed to do it every day.

She always admired Percy Jackson, since he was a Greek. He showed Hazel that Greek's really wasn't a threat, but Octavian didn't.

That dumb augur, just thinking about him made Hazel pissed.

"We are all here!" Piper announced. 

Hazel snapped back into reality as Piper discussed what happened.

"So, I've got a prophecy," she told everyone.

Percy's eyes widened, "Your an oracle?"

Annabeth smacked his head, "Did you have a dream, Piper?"

Piper nodded, "When I looked into Gaea's eyes, I saw what she expected to happen, but I also saw back at Camp Half-Blood. Rachel said a prophecy."

Another good thing about the Greek's camp. They had an oracle, and Ella, a harpy that memorized a book of prophecies, had fallen in love with Tyson. 

Piper told everyone the prophecy, 

"7 demigods plunge alone,

Through the darkness, straight to home.

Battle each other, for the throne.

Words leave mouth, to end with a groan."

Hazel wasn't sure about this prophecy. Through the darkness, straight to home? Where was Hazel's home? With the Romans? Greeks? 

7 demigods plunge alone. One thing was for sure, their journey would not be aided by the gods.

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