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"AHH!!" Annabeth yelled as she tumbled around in the air. She shut her mouth, hoping she didn't suddenly throw up. If she threw up in mid-air, that would not be good for her health.

Percy's scream was miles away. A figure was zooming across the ocean. Annabeth hoped it was Percy Jackson. 

Annabeth took off her jacket, though it was hard since she was upside down. She stretched it out between her hands and it opened like a parachute. She flipped right up, but she kept on falling. At least she slowed the fall.

Her fingers lost grip on her jacket. 

Great, that was just what I need. she thought.

She saw Jason thrust his hand out towards Annabeth, then the monster turned him upside down.

Annabeth's fall slowed ever so slightly. 

She saw Leo loading the ballista and Coach Hedge finally coming onto the deck. He had his baseball bat over his shoulder and was looking grumpy.

Coach Hedge's real name was actually Gleeson Hedge. He was a satyr, which meant the bottom of him, was a goat. He was probably the most violent type of his.

Coach helped Leo load the ballista and pulled the trigger.

The giant fiery spear armed with greek fire shot out.

Greek Fire was super dangerous. If it exploded on the Argo II, there would be nothing left of it. Annabeth supposed Greek Fire wouldn't do the trick for the monster, but hopefully make it go away.

Annabeth hit the water, and Percy was a second too late. 

Annabeth sunk under water, losing consciousness.

Her last view was Seaweed Brain swimming towards her, his hand outstretched. 

Then she blacked out.

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