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"Well, then, Hunter!" Hylla shouted, "Let's take this beast down."

Orion laughed, "can you? Only a god got rid of me, and he used trickery!"

"Well," Thalia said, "we'll make it twice."

"You are just demigods," Orion said, laughing so hard he stumbled backward. Hylla jumped towards him, her blades unsheathed. Hacking widely, yet she never hit Orion. 

Orion had tossed his bow into the air, and it transformed into a sword. He parried every lunge Hylla made and kicked her into a tree.

Excuiciting pain shot up her body as she collided into the tree. It promptly fell backwards, making Hylla flip over onto the floor. Hylla closed her eyes, waiting for death the come. 

It's not you're time yet... 

The voice of Gaea surged through Hylla's mind, making her eyes open and body lunge up.

You will receive special punishment...

"No." Hylla yelled. She forced herself to her feet and jabbed her sword into the wet grass that grabbed at her feet. The power of Gaea recoiled and didn't bother her anymore. All presence of the voice was gone. 

"Uh, Hyllie?" Percy said, dodging a flaming fist, "you okay?"

Hylla tried to steady her heart, she glared at Percy the best she could, "do NOT call me Hyllie!" Percy glanced over, and a fist slammed into his jaw. Percy collapsed onto the floor and didn't move again. Hylla felt a surge of rage and regret. She had distracted Percy, and ended up getting him knocked out. And she wasn't doing a very good job fighting Orion. 

Hylla pointed her blade at Leo's chest as he advanced on her. Leo closed his eyes and Hylla could feel the power of Gaea coursing through his arms and legs. A fiery blade of lava and fire appeared in his hand. 

Leo lunged at Hylla, and she blocked quickly, but the side of the sword was burned. It's not going to melt. She assured herself. It's Celestial Bronze

Hylla made her sword flick Leo's sword away, and the sword splatted against the ground. It melted the grass around it before turning into a puddle of hot fire. 

"MOVE!" Thalia yelled. Too late, she realized Orion had advanced on her. Something slammed into her, but not strong enough to be Orion's fist. Thalia was standing where she once was, and now she lay on the ground. Hylla yelled in rage and quickly checked her pulse. It was faint, but she was alive. Hylla had to jump back from her because Orion sliced the air where she once was.

"A girl and a boy," Orion grinned, "their blood will be spilled onto the ancient stones."

Suddenly, Hylla surged forward, faster than she believed. She sliced Orion's bowstring and it recoiled, finally slamming into Orion's heart like a million sword piercing it.

"OW!" Orion yelled, breathing heavily, he fell backwards, and the Hunter's of Artemis appeared from the trees. They nocked and shot arrows until Orion was completely covered.

The hunters fell from the trees and Leo burned them, then they advanced on him. Which left Hylla to Orion. 

A voice whispered in her head, but it wasn't Gaea's. It is time for me to help.

Hylla knew that voice. She knew that voice everywhere, anywhere, anytime. It was the voice of her mother, Bellona. 

A flash of light appeared next to Hylla, and a woman in purple robes stood there. In her hand she carried a sword that looked dangerously sharp. She held a shield in her other arm. 

"Bellona!" Orion raged, he stepped back, and the bowstring mended itself. 

Bellona sheathed her sword and untied her purple cloak. Before it hit the ground, it appeared on Hylla, smaller, but good enough to fit her. 

"Accept my aegis," she instructed, unsheathing her sword again. After studying some mythology, Hylla knew that Aegis didn't refer only to Athena's shield, but also a god/goddess's cloak. 

Together, Hylla and Bellona pressed Orion into a tree, and he tried his best to deflect attacks form both sides. Bellona thrust her hand out and several warriors spawned next to her. All of them attacking? Orion didn't stand a chance. 

Orion was a puddle of dust on the ground now. Bellona snarled at it, "I'll return his essence to the stars, so he would not dare harm you again."

The warriors disappeared and Leo was also gone. The Hunters had circled around them in a silent ring. 

"Mother, " Hylla spoke finally, tears prickling her eyes from happiness and nervousness, "is Reyna-?"

"She's alright," Bellona agreed, "May I have Glamour and Sparkle?"

2 girls shouldered their way up and bowed respectfully in front of the goddess. "Please make an Iris Message to Reyna."

Glamour nodded and closed her eyes. Mist erupted out of her hands and Sparkle summoned a dracma, which she threw into the mist.

"S-show m-me Reyna a-at Camp J-J-Jupiter," Hylla's voice shook badly. 

Reyna appeared there, she was being argued by a skinny Roman who was holding a Beanie boo and a knife. The moment he pointed the knife up, Hylla yelled in anger.

The Roman turned and turned pale. He quickly scampered out of the room and slammed the door. Reyna gaped at Hylla.

"Reyna!" Hylla gasped, "Mom is here! She's-"

When Hylla turned, Bellona was gone. Hylla sat down angrily. But Sparkle spoke up.

"She was here," she said, "are you doing alright?"

"Yes," Reyna said, she waved her hand to the door, "Octavian being a jerk, as usual."

The mist faded away, and Hylla turned to Percy and Thalia's bodies. Except... they were gone.

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