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"We are here." Hylla said, "we have arrived at Rome."

"What is the plan, Annabeth?" Leo said, whizzing past the demigods on his chair.

"Make peace!" Annabeth and Percy shouted at them. 

"Doesn't look like it," Leo said pointing down. Leo was right. Hylla looked down and saw the Greek Camp advancing on the Romans.

 Clarisse jumped up and slammed her sword hilt onto a soldiers hand and began jumping from head to head, Romans crumbling under her feet. The Ares cabin charged and slashed everyone who got in their way.

Travis and Connor were pranking Romans everywhere, releasing fart bombs and putting things under their shoes to make the Romans run into walls. 

The Demeter cabin, led by Katie Gardener made plants grow and trip all the Romans. They used plants to make them freeze where there were. They put pollen into the Romans eyes, making them rub it.

"Ugh. Another thing we need to do," Nico muttered, his dark hair covering his eyes, "we still need to transport the Athena Parthenos."

Hylla glared Nico down as he fixed his black eyes on Hylla. "It isn't our fault. I could barely even fight off Otrera. Much less transport a huge statue that hates me."

"Well, Reyna told me that the statue was hidden here, and she would show us where it was later," Annabeth told the other demigods, courage and determination etched onto her face.

"Gods.. is that Rachel?" Hazel gasped, pointing to a female figure whose fizzy red and orange hair bounced around as she dodged swords. Jason looked outraged and released lightning to blast the closest Romans away from her.

"Jason!" Hylla yelled at him. Jason immideitaly looked guilty. 

"Sorry," Jason mumbled. Their plan was to try and refrain from hurting or making any sign that would prove Greek as an enemy. But of course, it was sabotaged already. 

"Jason, Thalia, Percy, Nico," Hylla said, "you are the children of the big three, use your power together to try and get their attention."

Jason nodded, "on my mark... GO!"

Jason leaped off the ship, carried by the winds. He released severl bolts of lightning that knocked the romans off their feet, but not enough to kill. Percy swept his hand, and the fountain exploded, dousing everyone with water. When some romans continued to fight back, Nico closed his fist and skeletons grabbed them.

"STOP FIGHTING! THE REAL ENEMY IS GAEA! FIGHTING EACH OTHER, GAEA HAS ALREADY WON, THEN! YOU CAN KEEP FIGHTING IF YOU WANT TO DIE!" Hylla screamed at the top of her lungs. Leo had passed her a megaphone. Then stepped back and clutched her throat. "Bit of a sore throa..." She tried to say something but nothing came out. When Hazel and Frank frowned at her, she just waved her hand. 

Gaea appeared at the hill. Her pure green eyes looking over the demigods who were covered in water and bones and had their hair up in funny ways.

She boomed with laughter. "Feel my WRATH!" and she unleashed all of her powers to the demigods in front of her. 

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