Note From the Author

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Hi readers! I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I am writing it! I'm going to put a trivia at the end of every part, and if you answer it correctly, I'll create a shoutout about you!

I would also like to announce that I started this story on 5/23/2018!

Right now, I am 23rd place in GreekMythology out of 866 stories!

I'll keep you updated recently on my progress!

Please help me get this story to be famous! Please vote and please comment! Thanks!

If you would like to be in the story type this in the comments.




 Greek or Roman: 




Other: If you're not in this book, you'll be in the next. I will accept everyone until I leave wattpad. Hope I don't.

In case you don't understand anything about the story characters here: 

Piper is a daughter of Tristian McLean and Aphrodite. 

Power: Charmspeak

History: She stole a lot of things to get attention from her dad.

Greek or Roman: Greek

Crush: Jason

Hazel is a daughter of Pluto and Maria Levesque

Power: Summoning gems and jewelsHistory: She died stopping Gaea from raising Alycounues and came back from the field of Asphodel.

Greek or Roman: Roman

Crush: Frank

Percy is the son of Poseidon and Sally JacksonPower:

 Controlling Sea, talking to underwater animals, and summoning hurricanes

History: Percy was kicked out of many schools, but eventually finds out his teacher: Mr.Brunner is actually Chiron!

Greek or Roman: Greek

Crush: Annabeth

Annabeth is the daughter of Athena and Frederick Chase.

Power: Smart and quick thinking. History: She ran away from her family at age 7 and met Thalia and Luke. They became friends. 

Greek or Roman: Greek

Crush: Percy

Frank is the son of Mars and Emily Zhang

Power: Able to turn into anything alive.

History: His mother died in the war, and he found out his life depended on a burned stick.

Greek or Roman: Roman

Crush: Hazel

Jason is the son of Jupiter and Beryl Grace.

Power: Flying and Summoning lightning.

History: His mother died when she found out she married Jupiter. Hera took Jason, knowing that since Jupiter had betrayed her twice.

Greek or Roman: Roman

Crush: Piper

Leo is the son of Hephaestus and Esperanza Valdez

Power: Summoning fire, building.

History: He ran away a lot of times, and his babysitter, Tia Callida is actually Hera.

Greek or Roman: Greek

Crush: Calypso

Any other questions, ask in comments.

Go wattpaddes!

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