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Percy felt like a failure.

He'd failed to save Annabeth and she'd been unconscious for 4 days.

Percy Jackson sat on the edge of Annabeth's bed. His hand was resting on her clammy face. Her eyes were closed in concentration, and she was really hot. 

Percy crossed his legs, feeling lonely without his Wise Girl

He snapped his fingers, remembering how Piper had woke Jason up with her voice when he accidentally saw Hera's true form. 

Percy took another glance at her red body, sore from hitting the water. He walked out of the room to go get Piper.

He knocked softly on her door, but he got no answer. Percy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, it was morning. How could she not be up yet?

He tried the handle. Nothing.

"Piper?" he called, "are you in there?"

"What's up?" Jason said, coming up to Percy. He noticed Percy's hand on the handle. "Yeah, couldn't find her all day."

Leo's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, but it wasn't jokey like usual. It was filled with pure panic.


The loudspeaker shut off.

Hazel ran up to them, "That's Piper, right? Gods finally!"

"Not really," Jason said, "Leo said AHH"

"Then let's go!" Percy yelled.

They passed Frank and Nico while running.

"What's happening?" Nico gasped.

"Leo... in... trouble," Percy replied, gasping too.

Frank grabbed the doorknob and yanked it open. Percy nearly screamed of what he saw. Piper Mclean was standing over Leo Valdez, holding Katrpois.


Piper kicked him in the gut, and Leo fell to the floor gasping. He saw Jason and Leo in front of everyone.

"Great, everyone gets to see this," he said, "Don't want to hurt her."

"Good idea," Jason snarled. 

Piper smacked Leo in the head with the butt of her sword. He fainted.

He summoned the wind and picked Piper up. Her face turned, and her eyes were gold.

She lifted her dagger.

"Jason!" Percy yelled.

And she plunged it into Jason's arm.

"JASON!" Percy screamed. He ran towards his friend. Never before had he cared about him so much. He always resented Jason, but he knew now, Jason was the friend. Not an enemy.

He looked back up at Piper. 

No, this wasn't Piper. 

Gaea thrust her hand, and the door closed, leaving everyone outside. Frank pounded the door, but Leo had designed it so it was soundproof.

"Strange friendships these days," Gaea murmured, "But too soft."

Percy brought out Riptide. His pen that could morph into a sword. If he threw it away, it would appear back in his pocket. 

"Jason isn't soft," Percy said for his friend, "you are, sludge face."

Jason laughed softly at Percy's joke. Then winced as the pain went up his arm.

Piper thrust her dagger out, but Percy parried it and knocked it to the ground. 

Percy looked deep into her eyes, something Jason would've bashed his head for.

"You are Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite and Tristian McLean. Your boyfriend is Jason Grace and you would never harm him," he said, imagining his voice as charmspeak, "you are stronger than Gaea. Tell her to LEAVE."

Piper's eyes went back to normal, she collapsed onto the floor. Percy turned back, breathing heavily, but he had no idea why that had taken the strength out of him. 

Jason's wound was healing. Percy figured it was because he said: you would never harm him. Gaea wasn't powerful enough to harm his friends. She wasn't WORTHY.

Jason was staring at Percy, his mouth opened so wide, Percy was tempted to stuff RipTide in it.

"How-what-" he sputtered, "How did you do that?"

"Heck if I know," Percy said, he noticed Jason's face frowning, "Yo, Jason. I ain't moving in on your girl. I'm fine with Annabeth."

Jason seemed to relax more, "Thank you."

They shook hands.

 The Rivalry between Posideon and Zeus was over.

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